[HIP HIP R&B编曲利器]StudioLinked Trophies v1.0 WiN OSX-DECiBEL

[HIP HIP R&B编曲利器]StudioLinked Trophies v1.0 WiN OSX-DECiBEL

StudioLinked Trophies is a rompler virtual instrument plug-in that offers a wide collection of signature sounds from 9-time Grammy-winning music producer Bryan-Michael Cox. Designed for the modern producer, it combines 13 instrument categories with powerful motion effects to inspire your next round of beat making.

Trophies comes with 500 presets including sounds ranging from acoustic guitars, electric pianos, ambient pads, and mono leads to drum kits and more. You can create new original sounds with pitch and filter controls, as well as delay, reverb, chorus, detune, pitch, glide, and octave effects. A 16-step arpeggiator allows you to generate complex riffs and rhythmical chord patterns to add energy to your tracks.

Key Features
– Sample playback virtual synth offers a wide collection of signature sounds from Grammy-winning music producer Bryan-Michael Cox
– 17 instrument categories—drum kits, acoustic guitars, electric pianos, ambient pads, mono leads, and more
– 500 versatile presets
– Create motion effects with the Motion knob
– 16-step arpeggiator
– Pitch, glide, and octave controls
– Reverb, delay, flanger, chorus, tremolo, phaser, and detune effects
– ADSR envelope
– Intuitive GUI lets you quickly navigate around controls




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