Soundiron Harpsichord [KONTAKT](2.98GB)

Soundiron Harpsichord [KONTAKT](2.98GB)

2023 年 11 月 27 日 |2.98千兆字节

大键琴是 16 世纪至 18 世纪中叶的键盘轰动,曾经统治着欧洲音乐。这种多才多艺的乐器是文艺复兴时期和巴洛克时期作品中的明星,既是伴奏家又是独奏家。我们捕捉了钢琴和强音寄存器、滑音、滑音、打击乐冲击、拨弦、刮擦和敲击。


 27 November 2023 | 2.98 GB

The Harpsichord, a keyboard sensation from the 16th to mid 18th century, once ruled European music. This versatile instrument was a star in both Renaissance and Baroque compositions, shining both as an accompanist and a soloist. We captured the piano and forte registers, glisses, slides, percussive impacts, plucks, scrapes and taps.

大键琴是 16 世纪至 18 世纪中叶的键盘轰动,曾经统治着欧洲音乐。这种多才多艺的乐器是文艺复兴时期和巴洛克时期作品中的明星,既是伴奏家又是独奏家。大键琴设计独特,通常拥有两组或多组琴弦,每组琴弦产生独特的音色。声音被琴弦下方的音板放大,音板通过琴桥传递振动。琴弦是用羽毛笔拨动的,而不是用锤子敲击的,所以一把琴只能产生一个速度。大键琴在欧洲蓬勃发展,在意大利、佛兰德斯、法国、德国和英国设有生产中心。这些乐器的配置各不相同,具有不同的键盘设置、脚踏板和手挡。他们的箱子通常是精美的艺术品,装饰着镶嵌物、绘画和复杂的表面装饰。大键琴的拨弦提供了丰富、清晰的声音,丰富了巴洛克音乐的复杂旋律。几乎每个巴洛克作曲家都为大键琴创作,无论是作为独奏家还是连续演奏家。

The Harpsichord, a keyboard sensation from the 16th to mid 18th century, once ruled European music. This versatile instrument was a star in both Renaissance and Baroque compositions, shining both as an accompanist and a soloist. Distinctive in design, harpsichords typically boasted two or more sets of strings, each producing unique tones. The sound was amplified by a soundboard beneath the strings, which transmitted vibrations through a bridge. The strings were plucked with quills rather than struck with hammers, so a key could only produce one velocity. Harpsichords flourished across Europe, with production centers in Italy, Flanders, France, Germany, and England. These instruments varied in configuration, featuring different keyboard setups, foot pedals, and hand stops. Their cases were often exquisite works of art, adorned with inlays, paintings, and intricate surface decorations. The harpsichord’s plucked strings offered a rich, clear sound that enriched the complex melodies of Baroque music. Nearly every Baroque composer wrote for the harpsichord, whether as a soloist or in continuo.

我们品尝了一首享有盛誉的 18 世纪意大利 Bizzi 大键琴,属于克劳迪娅·费雷罗 (Claudia Ferrero),她是欧洲著名的教师和文艺复兴时期的表演者。该乐器经过精心录制,以保留乐器和房间的独特声音特性。温馨的一室公寓位于意大利圣拉斐尔西梅纳(San Raffaele Cimena)美丽的乡村。

We sampled a prestigious 18th Century Italian Bizzi Harpsichord belonging to Claudia Ferrero, an acclaimed teacher and renaissance performer in Europe. The instrument has been carefully recorded in order to preserve the unique sound characteristics of both of the instrument and the room. The warm studio is based in the beautiful countryside of San Raffaele Cimena, Italy.


We’ve faithfully sampled every interesting sound we could get out of this instrument, with two stereo mic positions: Bridge and Soundboard. We captured the piano and forte registers, glisses, slides, percussive impacts, plucks, scrapes and taps. We’ve also included a wide selection of custom FX presets and plenty of our signature sound-designed ambient content, crafted from the raw acoustic source to give you complete creative freedom.


The Kontakt interface includes a suite of automation-ready sound-shaping controls to give you total creative flexibility. You have control over swell, attack, release, offset, vibrato, filter, pitch (coarse & fine), articulation switching, cross-fading and layering, and so much more.

该库带有一个适应性强的 LFO 系统,具有可选的 LFO 形状、调制目标参数、速度、强度、速度同步和淡入时间。您还可以应用 12 个低通、高通和 FX 滤波器,以及可分配的调制目标,例如速度、调制轮、表情、触后、键位和步进音序器表控制。我们可定制的琶音器提供速度表,并控制 arp 方向、时间、摆动、随机化和持续时间。我们包括一个调和音阶锁定系统,将您的音符限制在常见的音阶和音阶上,以便轻松进行旋律创作和现场表演。

This library comes with an adaptable LFO system, with selectable LFO shape, modulation target parameter, speed, intensity, tempo-syncing and fade-in time. You can also apply your choice of 12 lowpass, high-pass and FX filters, with assignable modulation targets such as velocity, modwheel, expression, after-touch, key position and step-sequencer table control. Our customizable arpeggiator offers a velocity table and control over arp direction, timing, swing, randomization and duration. We’ve included a key and scale lock system to constrain your notes to common scales and keys for easy melodic composition and live performance.

该界面由我们的模块化 FX 机架面板完善,具有 27 个不同的 DSP 效果模块,您可以按照您希望的任何顺序将其分配到 8 个可用插槽中的任何一个。您会发现经典的移相器、镶边器、延迟、失真、放大器和驾驶室模拟器、压缩器、均衡器、旋转器等等。混响效果包括我们最喜欢的卷积混响脉冲响应,包括 99 个不同的房间、大厅、房间和室外环境,以及另外 40 个自定义 FX 脉冲,以从根本上改变声音并开辟全新的音乐可能性世界。我们添加了大量 FX 机架链出厂预设,以帮助您入门!

The interface is rounded-out by our modular FX rack panel, with 27 different DSP effect modules that you can assign in any of 8 available slots, in any order that you wish. You’ll find classic phaser, flanger, delay, distortion, amp and cab simulators, compressors, EQ, rotator and so much more. The Reverb effect includes our favorite convolution reverb impulse responses, including 99 different rooms, halls, chambers and outdoor environments, plus another 40 custom FX impulses to radically transform the sound and open up whole new worlds of musical possibility. We’ve added a great bank of FX rack chain factory presets to get you started!


– Piano & Forte 寄存器、Gliisses、打击乐、SFX 在两个麦克风位置:桥接器、音板
– 20 个环境垫和从源内容创建的进化无人机
– 22 个强大的 Kontakt .nki 乐器预设
– 24 位/48 kHz 未压缩 PCM wav 样本
– 20 种自定义声音设计的 FX 和环境预设
– 3,448 个立体声样本
– 已安装 5.37 GB
– 灵活直观的多层用户界面控制,包括 LFO、滤波器、滑音和琶音器
– 带有卷积混响的完整 FX 机架,可自定义房间、大厅、腔室和 FX 环境

Product Specs

– Piano & Forte registers, Glisses, Percussion, SFX in two mic positions: Bridge, Soundboard
– 20 ambient pads and evolving drones created from the source content
– 22 Powerful Kontakt .nki instrument presets
– 24 bit / 48 kHz uncompressed PCM wav samples
– 20 Custom Sound-Designed FX and Ambient presets
– 3,448 stereo samples
– 5.37 GB Installed
– Flexible and intuitive multi-layer user interface controls, with LFO, filter, glide, and arpeggiator
– Full FX rack with convolution reverb with custom rooms, halls, chambers & FX environments

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