[新版本Studio Drummer ]Native Instruments Studio Drummer v1.4.0 KONTAKT

[新版本Studio Drummer ]Native Instruments Studio Drummer v1.4.0 KONTAKT

STUDIO DRUMMER is the perfect realization of a drummer in software, with everything you need to create realistic acoustic drum tracks — top-of-the-line drum kits, detailed mixing options, and a ready-to-go groove library, packed with authentic beats of all colors and flavors.

It’s much more than state-of-the-art sampled drums. Thanks to more than 3,300 authentic grooves, STUDIO DRUMMER makes it easy for anyone to produce lifelike, dynamic drum tracks. And the on-board mixer and powerful effects deliver enough usability, versatility and tweakability to meet the demands of eclectic modern producers.

STUDIO DRUMMER gives you three premium acoustic kits — a Pearl Masters Premium Maple kit, a Yamaha Maple Custom Absolute kit and a Sonor SQ2 Drum System. The kits are set up with Paiste, Zildjian, Sabian and Masterworks cymbals, and snares by Sonor, Mapex, Ludwig, and Masshoff. To round things off, you also get percussion, with tambourine, sticks, cowbell and handclaps.

All drums were painstakingly recorded using the best mics and outboard gear at Teldex Studios, in Berlin. The result: Over 17 GB of pristine, 24-bit drum samples, capturing the unique sound and responsiveness of the original kits.

Behind the glass, STUDIO DRUMMER provides a dedicated mixing environment. All drums close mic’d, plus adjustable snare bleed, stereo overheads, room mics for ambience and an additional mono mic on the entire kit. Mixer presets, with precision mic levels, room sound and effects, provide fast-track settings for a wide range of sounds.

A high-quality studio effects section gives you warm tape saturation, convolution reverb and three big-league effects: the SOLID G-EQ, the SOLID BUS COMP compressor and the awe-inspiring TRANSIENT MASTER.

What good is an awesome drum kit without the skills to play it? STUDIO DRUMMER gives you the chops on a plate, with over 3,500 drum patterns and fills in a wide range of genres and styles. All grooves were recorded live especially for STUDIO DRUMMER, for 100 percent realism.

Find the beat that suits the track you’re working on, choose fills and variations to match, then drag and drop into your host sequencer. And if you’re a drummer, just hook up your e-drums and you’re ready to go.

The power and realism of STUDIO DRUMMER is made possible by the brand new KONTAKT 5, the world’s most advanced sampling engine. No other sampling platform provides such depth, authenticity, and responsive performance — STUDIO DRUMMER puts the newest features of KONTAKT 5 through their paces.


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