[Trap,Hiphop ]Capsun ProAudio 4-20 The Smokers Kit Vol.1+ 2

[Trap,Hiphop ]Capsun ProAudio 4-20 The Smokers Kit Vol.1+ 2

CAPSUN ProAudio invites you into the smokey ambience of 4:20 The Smokers Kit. Roll one up, light it and breathe in the highest grade Drums, Percussion and FX. Knocking Kicks, Snares that crack, perfect live Hi-Hats, diverse filtered Percussion and other worldly textures. Bags of character, forward thinking sampling techniques and carefully crafted drums.

This kit is all about quality and originality, not quantity – we guarantee every single sound has been moulded and designed and can be dropped straight into your tracks to provide either the production polish or unique spark you require. Expect to find an inspiring set of meticulously programmed Drum Loops, HiHat Loop layers and Percussive Loop Layers. Maximum versatility is the key so there are variations of most loops – without kicks, filtered, wet and dry and more. Well over 100 Drum and FX Hits are included varying from saturated Trap beats to classic HiHats with swing to the captured FX sounds of a heavy smoking session. We have also added a small selection of Bonus Melodic Sample & Loops (not in demo song).

For 4:20 The Smokers Kit we linked up with two of the hottest sound designers doing it right now – Julez Jadon & SVRN. These two highly regarded producers based out of Frankfurt, Germany utilise field recordings, expert live recording and a creative sampling approach. They are dedicated to creating unique drums, beats and sound collections. Capturing sounds in all kinds of crazy environments and turning them into the highest quality audio is their sweet spot. This collection is the perfect representation of their forward thinking approach and essential to any producer’s drum arsenal. Check out more of their work www.julezjadon.com

This kit is perfect for producers favouring Hip-Hop, Trap, Soul Trap, 808 RnB, Future Bass and LA Beats. However, good quality drums are good quality drums and will add depth and punch to any electronic genre. Please note: This is an exclusive drum and percussion pack only. All drum and percussion samples in the demo song are included. The melodic parts are NOT. Some extra bonus melodic content is included.

2 – Details:

447 MB
15 Kicks
26 Snares
31 HiHats
9 Cymbals
29 Percussion Hits
9 FX Hits
30 Full Drum Loops
16 HiHat Loop Layers
14 Percussion Loop Layers
65 Drum & Percussion Rex2 Loops
8 Melodic Loops
17 Melodic One Shots.

CAPSUN ProAudio welcomes you to the smokey ambience of 4:20 The Smokers Kit Vol. 2. This highly anticipated re-up delivers the highest grade Drums, Percussion and FX. Thick Kicks, Snares that knock, trap Hi-Hat trills and rolls, diverse filtered Percussion and wavey textures. Zoned out character, forward thinking sampling techniques and carefully crafted drums.

 As with Vol. 1 this kit is all about quality, not just quantity – every single hit and sound has been sculpted to kick start your tracks and provide instant foundations or production polish. Expect to find a tool kit of meticulously programmed Drum Loops, HiHat Loop layers and Percussive Loop Layers. Versatile layers are the key with variations of most loops provided – without kicks, cloudy filters, wet and dry and more. Well over 150 Drum and FX Hits are included varying from saturated Trap beats to swung and shuffling Hi-Hats to the captured FX sounds of smokey late night sessions. We’ve also added a selection of inspiring Melodic Samples, One Shots, Chops and Loops.

Over 500mb of premium, royalty free one shot sounds and loops designed to push the boundaries of Modern Hip-Hop, Trap & Rap production. Every loop has been meticulously Key Tagged and tempo-synced plus all loops are included as Bonus Rex2 loops ready to chop and experiment.

For 4:20 The Smokers Kit Vol. 2 we’ve once again linked up with two of the hottest sound designers in the world – Julez Jadon & SVRN. These two highly regarded producers based out of Frankfurt, Germany utilise field recordings, expert live recording and a creative sampling approach. They are dedicated to creating unique drums, beats and sound collections. Capturing sounds in all kinds of crazy environments and turning them into the highest quality audio is their sweet spot. This collection picks up where Vol.1 left off and expands on their forward thinking approach. Another essential kit to boost to your drum arsenal. Check out more of their work at www.julezjadon.com.This kit is perfect for producers favouring Hip-Hop, Trap, Trap Soul, 808 RnB, Future Bass and LA Beats. However, we believe good quality drums are good quality drums and these will add depth and punch to any electronic genre.

2 – Details:

537 MB
12 Kicks
28 Snares
10 Claps
38 HiHats & HiHat Rolls
9 Cymbals
40 Percussion Hits
18 FX Hits
28 Full Drum Loops
18 HiHat Loop Layers
16 Percussion Loop Layers
64 Drum & Percussion Rex2 Loops
24 Melodic Loops
11 Melodic One Shots
16 Melodic Chops
24 Melodic Rex2 Loops



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