Ueberschall Tenor Saxophone ELASTIK

Ueberschall Tenor Saxophone ELASTIK

Tenor Saxophone
When it comes to delivering the true expression and character of a solo tenor saxophone, you need the real thing. That’s exactly what Tenor Saxophone provides, capturing the soulful beauty of the instrument and making that available in a flexible and easy-to-use phrase-based format so you can add something very special to your own musical productions. As with other titles in the Instrument Series for Elastik, Tenor Saxophone provides a collection of authentic melodic phrases that can easily be combined to create a top-class – and totally realistic – performance.

Breathy Subtone Sound
The library features the soulful and delicate playing of David Milzow – an Ueberschall regular – whose credits include Mousse T., The Drapers and live work with musicians such as Dave Liebman, Ritchie Beirach and Clyde Stubblefield. In this library, David’s playing focuses on smooth, airy and calm tenor saxophone phrases. Using a vintage Dolnet Series 2 instrument, the playing is inspired by Ben Webster and Lucky Thompson. These players are known for their airy and breathy subtone sound, and it is captured perfectly here. The soulful performances would suit a wide range of musical contexts including downtempo jazz, lounge, soul, house, RnB and mellow pop.

Soulful Saxophone Phrases
The library contains over 800MB of sample data spread across nearly 450 individual loops and phrases, organized into 24 performance folders. Each phrase is between 1 and 4 bars in length and available dry without any effects, EQ or compression. The phrases were originally performed at tempos ranging from 60 to 90bpm and in a range of different keys. However, with Elastik’s excellent time-stretching and pitch-shifting capabilities, the phrases can easily be mixed and matched between folders, or to suit the needs of an existing musical project.

Adds Instant Character To Any Project
For any music producer or media composer looking to add some subtle, soulful and melodic saxophone to their latest project, Tenor Saxophone is an ideal choice and provides class in every note.

Saxophone played by David Milzow


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