[打击乐循环音序器] Rigid Audio Interference [KONTAKT](1.44GB)

[打击乐循环音序器] Rigid Audio Interference [KONTAKT](1.44GB)



2023年11月28日 |1.44千兆字节(GB)

Rigid Audio 的干扰是终极的鼓和循环音序器。无论您是需要创建鼓舞人心的背景律动、电影下划线还是富有创意的音乐短语,Interference 都能满足您的需求。


– 混合和匹配来自各种流派和风格的 1500 多个循环和声音。
– 使用四个强大的时间拉伸引擎拉伸、切片和操作循环。
– 使用四个专用部分编程和演奏您自己的鼓和打击乐部分。
– 使用一整套工具(例如调制表、琶音器和效果器)编辑和塑造您的声音。
– 探索 255 个分类的出厂预设或创建您自己的自定义预设。
– 通过直观且用户友好的界面控制声音的各个方面。
– 将循环和鼓与主机速度同步或使用内部时钟。
– 只需单击一下即可随机化您的声音和序列。
– 同时分层和混合多达四个循环和四个鼓。
– 将您的循环和鼓导出为 WAV 文件以供进一步处理。

Rigid Audio 的干扰是终极的鼓和循环音序器。立即获取并释放您的创造力!

28 November 2023 | 1.44GB

Interference by Rigid Audio is the ultimate drum and loop sequencer. Whether you need to create inspiring backing grooves, cinematic underscores, or creative musical phrases, Interference has you covered.

With Interference, you can:

– Mix and match over 1500 loops and sounds from various genres and styles.
– Stretch, slice, and manipulate loops with four powerful timestretching engines.
– Program and play your own drum and percussion parts with four dedicated parts.
– Edit and shape your sounds with a comprehensive set of tools, such as modulation tables, arpeggiator, and effects.
– Explore 255 categorized factory presets or create your own custom presets.
– Control every aspect of your sound with an intuitive and user-friendly interface.
– Sync your loops and drums to your host tempo or use the internal clock.
– Randomize your sounds and sequences with a single click.
– Layer and blend up to four loops and four drums simultaneously.
– Export your loops and drums as WAV files for further processing.

Interference by Rigid Audio is the ultimate drum and loop sequencer. Get it now and unleash your creativity!


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