Gospel Musicians the BlueBeast Yamaha EX5 for UVI Falcom

Gospel Musicians the BlueBeast Yamaha EX5 for UVI Falcom

The closest thing you are going to get to the real BlueBeast® (EX5). We captured all of the factory presets, along with all of the AWM, VL, and AN waveforms. Because UVI has multiple synthesis possibilities, the analog VLs are all captured with analog sources. With a little bit of time, you would be able to re-create many of your favorite presets.

This is the plugin you’ve been waiting for! In keeping with the same incredible structure and flexibility as Pure Synth Platinum, we now preset the most exhaustive virtual instrument emulation and sample library ever created of the Yamaha EX5.

You get full access to the raw waveforms and VL instruments, as well as a complete emulation of the AN synth engine.

These are NOT samples. It is a full synthesis emulation of the AN1 of the EX5.

We interpolated the AN1 waveforms using FFT and mipmapping synthesis, while keeping the same Edge, Sync, and Feedback functionality that was so loved from the AN1x, so you really get two synths in one. Finally, through the power of UVI and sophisticated synthesis and sampling techniques, we have managed to implement many of the sought after FDSP engines from the EX5, such as: Ring Modulator, Pulse-Width-Modulation, Tornado, Seismic, and a FULL FM synth (not just the FDSP Self-FM).
We were even able to sample the water effects and rout them through the full filter section and envelopes. As an added bonus, we have included the full range of EX5 EPs which is what people loved the most about the EX5. We can safely say that you should be able to create close to 85% of your original sounds with the BlueBeast and in many cases, you will be able to create better presets, due to the high quality effects, and synthesis that UVI provides. As far as presets, we have included all of 256 factory presets from the original hardware, so you can have that good nostalgic feeling of owing the real hardware.

Includes all Factory Voice and Drum Presets

Includes all AWM Waveforms

Includes Wavetable Emulations of AN1x Waves

Includes Samples of VL Sounds


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