Big Fish Audio Trapture Trap and Hip Hop KONTAKT

Big Fish Audio Trapture Trap and Hip Hop KONTAKT

Big Fish Audio Trapture Trap and Hip Hop KONTAKT | 1.43 Gb

Big Fish Audio and Sample Factory are proud to present, Trapture: Trap and Hip Hop. This new hit library features 20 Radio-ready kits with drag-and-drop ease. The perfect bass lines, iconic drum loops and all the samples you need are right here. Packed into 20 massive kits featuring complete sections and dynamic movements is 4GB of completely original content that is sure to wow audiences and make hits. With the creative styles of Lil Pump, NBA Young Boy, Lil Xan, 21 Savage, and Migos and with all the elements and flexibility of full songs that Trapture brings, this library is a must have for any serious Trap and Hip Hop producer. Check out the demos?we dare you!

Trapture: Trap and Hip Hop has been formatted in the most widely-used formats: Apple Loops, Acidized WAV, and REX files, making it usable in virtually every piece of software and hardware on the market today. In addition, this library comes fully formatted for Kontakt as part of the Big Fish Audio KLI 3.0 Series which transforms this loop library into a truly moldable and musical writing instrument.

KLI 3.0 Series

The KLI 3.0 Series allows you to quickly arrange and mix tracks in our Kit Combo Patches and make completely original drum tracks with our custom drum patches that include both multi-track drum loops and one-shot samples.

Libraries in the KLI Series (Kontakt Loop Interface) include a custom interface for tweaking loops and sounds beyond what was previously possible. Each loop is given its own patch, and can be extensively edited by manipulating the various slices of the loop. In addition, groups of loops that play together have been given their own patch as well, making it easy to quickly arrange and mix loops on the fly. Each patch will automatically sync with your DAW’s host tempo, making integration with your production seamless.


• You must have a FULL version of Kontakt 5.7.1 to use this product.
• 4.2 GB of content
• 964 Total Kontakt Patches



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  • 2018年8月28日 下午1:08



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