U-he Zebralette v2.9.2 VST AU AAX x32 x64 WiN MAC LiNUX

U-he Zebralette v2.9.2 VST AU AAX x32 x64 WiN MAC LiNUX

Zebralette 是一个由 Zebra2 的振荡器组成的简单合成器,非常易于使用,音色也很不错。它的声音可以直接加载到 Zebra2 中,所以如果你以后决定升级到 Zebra2 的话还可以使用里面带的音色或自己调出的音色,如果你对振荡器有一些了解的话应该很容易上手!

Zebralette 包含两个低频振荡器(一个是用于单一声音的,而另外一个是全局性的),多阶段包络并且内建有效果器(合成器、均衡、延迟)。不要忘记还有 Zebra2 的频谱效果,其中包括几种滤波算法。

Zebralette is our version of a Trojan horse. A free synthesizer and an introduction to Zebra2’s fantastic oscillators. Perhaps it will persuade you to try Zebra2 and upgrade. If one oscillator is this powerful, imagine what you can achieve with four… and all the other great features available in Zebra2.

– A single Zebra2 oscillator with a 16-slot waveset. Read more below
– Oscillator waveform editing with geomorph, spectromorph, geoblend and spectroblend modes. Read more below
– 24 spectral effects including filter, sync, scatter, phase distortion and many more
– Polyphonic (up to 16 voices), monophonic and legato modes
– Stereo VCA with pan and volume modulation
– VCA oscillator stacking with adjustable stereo width: single, dual, quad and eleven modes
– ADSR envelope with fall/rise (sustain slope) and velocity controls
– Modulation options including: modwheel, velocity, pressure, breath, key follow, gate and more
– 2 LFOs: one global, one per voice
– A 32-stage MSEG (multi-stage envelope generator)
– 3 built-in effects: chorus/phaser, EQ, delay
– MIDI learn / unlearn of hardware controls (CC)
– Polyphonic aftertouch support
– 300 factory presets
– Scalable UI from 70% to 200%

What is a Zebralette?
-ette: an English suffix indicating a diminutive form

Zebralette is an introduction to Zebra2’s powerful oscillators. Zebra2 can seem overwhelming at first glance, so we stripped it down to a single oscillator plus a few other features and created Zebralette, the little Zebra. Once you master Zebralette you can move up to Zebra2 with confidence. And your presets can come with you, as Zebralette presets can be opened in Zebra2.

But more than a teaching tool, Zebralette is an incredible sounding synth in its own right. Surrounding Zebra’s spectral oscillator with a few core modulation options and effects make Zebralette highly capable. With unsion options (think supersaw, but Zebralette is not limited to saw waves, so we refer to it as superwave), 16 voice polyphony and two different envelopes, you have everything needed to create some marvellously complex sounds.

Diminutive? Yes. Powerful? Yes.

Zebra oscillator
One oscillator may not seem like enough for a synthesizer, but Zebra2 oscillators are rather powerful and clever.

It resembles many other oscillators you may have used. You can choose a waveset from the included library, or use the waveform editor to draw your own shapes. Here is where things start to get interesting: The Waveform Editor manages up to 16 different waves and lets you rearrange, duplicate and morph between individual waves. Use one of modulation sources and the WaveWarp control to scan through the 16 waves and create unusual, dynamic sounds.

There are four drawing modes: GeoMorph, SpectroMorph, GeoBlend, SpectroBlend, each offering a different approach to creating and manipulating waveforms.

Using the two Geo modes you draw the waveform shape using up to 32 points, while the Spectro modes let you create the harmonic spectrum over 128 columns. When using WaveWarp to scan through the waveset, Morph alters the waveform, whereas Blend blends (crossfades) between adjacent waves.

To add further complexity, use one of the 24 Spectral Effects to warp, mangle or add subtle harmonics to your sound. Read the user guide for the full list and descriptions.

You can do quite a lot with just one oscillator.

– Apple logoMac OS X 10.9 or newer
– Windows logoWindows 7 or newer
– Linux

– 1GB RAM, more recommended
– 50MB free disk space
– 1000 × 600 or larger display
– Modern CPU (Sandy Bridge or newer recommended)
– Host software

Release notes:

– Fresh new GUI
– Big Sur compatibility
– Soundset installer support
– Browser: Bank name feature added
– Browser: Alternative search method using wildcards
– Reveal in Finder/Explorer behaviour improved

Fixed Bugs:
– LFO single trigger fixed (was free-running)
– Loading presets during scan: Issue fixed (Windows only)
– Browser: Numerous fixes and improvements

Known Issues:
– MSEG fill gradient graphics glitch (Windows only)
– Context menus need plugin focus to work (Apple issue)
– Crash when trying to load script presets (e.g. Randomizer)
– Zebralette displays option to save as nksf – don’t use it, as it will crash


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