Ableton Live Suite 11.0.6 Multilingual

Ableton Live Suite 11.0.6 Multilingual

Ableton Live 是一款音乐制作软件, 允许用户以自然的方式作曲, 录音, remix(重混音), 即席创作和编辑自己的音乐构思. 可将声响, 电子和虚拟乐器及数字录音置于单一的界面中, 极其易用. 它使用户可以把全部精力集中到真正该关注的东西: 你自己的音乐上。

Team R2R | 2.17 GB

Ableton has announced that Live 11 is now available at and at local retailers worldwide. The latest version of Live includes comping and MPE, new devices for experimentation, features for live performance, chance tools and much more.
A partial list of what’s new in Live 11 includes:


Comping – Live organizes multiple passes of an audio or MIDI performance into individual takes. The best parts of these takes can be stitched together for the final result.
Linked-track editing – Link two or more tracks to edit their content simultaneously.
MIDI Polyphonic Expression:

MPE support – Add bends, slides and pressure for each individual note in a chord, add subtle expression variations, morph between chords and create evolving sonic textures more easily.
Expression View – Edit the pitch, slide and pressure envelopes of each note to refine the expression in your music.
MPE-capable native devices – Wavetable, Sampler and Arpeggiator are updated to support MPE.
New devices:

Hybrid Reverb – Combines convolution and algorithmic reverbs, making it possible to create any space, from accurate real-life environments to those that defy physical reality.
Spectral Resonator – Breaks the spectrum of an incoming audio signal into partials, then stretches, shifts and blurs the result by a frequency or a note in subtle or radical ways.
Spectral Time – Transforms sound into partials and feeds them into a frequency-based delay, resulting in metallic echoes, frequency-shifted and reverb-like effects.
Inspired by Nature – Six playful instruments and effects that use nature and physics as their inspiration. Made in collaboration with Dillon Bastan.
PitchLoop89 – Creates jittery glitch effects, delayed digital shimmers and outlandish vibrato. Made in collaboration with Robert Henke.


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