母带均衡器音频插件Pulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot v1.5.0

母带均衡器音频插件Pulsar Modular P440 Sweet Spot v1.5.0

TeamCubeadooby | 5 November 2023 | 18.12 MB

P440 Sweet Spot Mastering Equalizer audio plugin.
You have very likely heard words similar to the following uttered many times about mastering: “it makes the music come to life” or “it is the final polish that transitions into something breathtaking” or “It is like… magic!”. The wizardry lies in the hands of the practitioner of course, but surely, as all wizards wield an unassuming yet infinitely powerful device that is a conduit between their mystical knowledge and the physical world, so does the mastering engineer. To the wizard, it is the magic wand and to the mastering engineer, it is the equalizer.

Forget everything you have been taught about “High Passing” frequencies below 30Hz, and welcome to Sweet Tremor boosting infrasonic frequencies! Attenuate frequencies and you end up with a punchier and open sound! Boost frequencies and end up with sweet cotton candy all over your ears! Scream in horror when you check in Plugin Doctor the low shelf at 200 Hz or the high shelf at 2 kHz with a “stairway to heaven” graph, but then melt in your chair when you listen to it- like candy on a hot summer day. Nothing makes sense …visually but your ears tell you otherwise.

P440 Sweet Spot EQ will let you rethink what an audio equalizer can do. P440… your mystical magic wand.

Whats new in this version
Version 1.5.0 Nov. 3, 2023
Improved Tremor circuit delivering a more focused low end.

System Requirements
Windows 10 or newer

P440 Sweet Spot 母带均衡器音频插件。
关于母带处理,你很可能听过类似下面这样的话很多次: “它让音乐栩栩如生 “或 “它是最后的润色,将音乐过渡到令人惊叹的境界 “或 “它就像……魔法!”。魔法当然掌握在实践者的手中,但可以肯定的是,就像所有魔法师都会使用一种不起眼但威力无穷的装置,作为他们的神秘知识与物理世界之间的通道一样,母带制作工程师也是如此。对魔法师来说,它是魔法棒,而对母带制作工程师来说,它是均衡器。

忘掉所有关于 30Hz 以下 “高通 “频率的知识,欢迎使用甜震颤增强次声波频率!衰减频率,就能获得更有冲击力、更开阔的声音!提升频率,让甜美的棉花糖布满你的耳朵!在 Plugin Doctor 中查看 200 Hz 的低频架或 2 kHz 的高频架时,您会发出 “通往天堂的阶梯 “的惊恐尖叫,但在聆听时,您会像炎炎夏日里的糖果一样在椅子上融化。视觉上没有任何意义……但你的耳朵却不这么认为。

P440 甜点均衡器会让你重新思考音频均衡器的作用。P440… 你的神秘魔杖。

1.5.0 版 2023 年 11 月 3 日

Windows 10 或更新版本


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