[后期混音技巧]Groove3 Mixing with Brainworx Plug-Ins Explained TUTORiAL

Gary Hiebner presents comprehensive Brainworx plug-in mixing video tutorials! If you have or are thinking of getting some of Brainworx’s awesome plug-ins to mix your next project, make sure to check this video tutorial series out first. Gary gives you a deep dive into some of Brainworx’s most popular plug-ins, showing you all of their features and functions as well as putting them to work on a mix so you can both see and hear exactly what they can do. You also get all the project stems so you can import them into your DAW and follow along with what you see in the videos. These videos are for new Brainworx plug-in users.

Gary welcomes you and shows you the Brainworx Console Style plug-ins that will be covered in the series, as well as gives an overview of their user interfaces so you can easily use them in your mixes. Then you’ll start the mix with the awesome recreations of the SSL 4000 E and G channel strips on kick, snare, and guitars, as well as learn about the differences and best applications of the model E, G, and J series emulations.

Moving on you discover how to set up and use the Townhouse Bus Compressor in your mix, use the Focusrite console plug-ins for vocals and as an exciter, utilize the Neve style N plug-ins for lovely coloration, set up different plugins as a bus effect, do corrective EQing with the BX Digital V3 Mix, use the DynEQ V2 as a DeEsser, a Key Boost, and to “duck” instruments in at the mix so that others stand out, use the BX RooMS Reverb Effect creatively, and how to utilize the BX Saturator to add extra drive and saturation to tracks, making them seemingly jump out in the mix, and much more.

To see what these Brainworx plugin tutorials show you and how they’ll allow you to get amazing results on your next mix, see the individual Brainworx plug-in video tutorial descriptions on this page. Step up your mixes with plug-ins designed for mixing success, and learn to use them like a pro… Watch “Mixing with Brainworx Plug-Ins Explained®” today!




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