[嘻哈缩混]Cymatics – CHAOS Hip-Hop Mixing Course

CHAOS is officially the largest melody collection created in Cymatics history, with 500 royalty free melodies (stems + MIDI included).

This is our ultimate set of melodies for taking your career as a producer to the highest level possible, allowing you to easily put together hit records that are artist-ready out of the gate.

Overall for Hip Hop producers, this is by far the most diverse & valuable collection of melodies we’ve ever released!

MAYHEM: Premium 808s

The perfect 808 shouldn’t need a ton of processing and effects to make it hit hard.

That’s why we put together this collection of industry standard 808 samples, all key labeled and processed ahead of time, so getting heavy low end is only a click away!
Pairing these with the melodies from CHAOS, and the drums from DOOM & RIOT, you’ll find yourself making hit records with ease.

What we ended up with was the only set of 808’s you’d ever need for creating any type of track that you have in mind.

DOOM: Hip-Hop Drum Kit

DOOM is easily one of our highest quality drum packs to date, with some of the hardest hitting one shots to bring your tracks to life!

This pack contains tons of heavy punching kicks, crisp snares and claps, sharp hi-hats, percs, fx, and more.

We tailored this pack to supply you with the ultimate set of drums for creating placement ready beats, alongside the premium melodies in CHAOS.
No more endlessly searching for the right drum sound, because everything you need is in this one collection, pre-processed and ready to go!

KARMA: Premium Analog Melodies

Classic synthesizers have always been untouchable when it comes to the amount of character and emotion that they are able to convey.

And a lot of the industry’s biggest producers use them all the time, resulting in a completely unique sound that resonates in some of the biggest records to date.
So to pair perfect with CHAOS, we put together this collection of amazing synth samples to make your production stand out from the rest!

These melodies were creating using the same hardware as LEGENDS!

RIOT: Hip-Hop Drum Loops

Our team of producers crafted some of the most industry ready Hip-Hop drum loops we’ve ever put out.

RIOT comes loaded with full drum loops, hi-hat loops, percussion loops, top loops, and more!
The loops are all drag and drop ready for optimizing efficiency in a session, and not to mention, every loop comes pre-processed to sound amazing out of the box.

These drums are perfectly paired to the melodies in CHAOS, and are great for creating a new idea in no time!

CHAOS Hip-Hop Mixing Course

We surveyed our community of producers and asked what producers wanted to improve on the most in their production…

And the majority of producers said that mixing was their biggest issue.
So we put together a course for mixing your tracks to an industry ready quality, with one of our top producers!

This is the ultimate cherry on top of the rest of CHAOS, perfect for making your tracks as professional as possible!

CHAOS Platinum Expansion

This pack is a limited expansion of CHAOS, with exclusive melodies that we won’t release anywhere else ever again!

The CHAOS Platinum Expansion pairs perfectly with the main pack, giving you tons of more melodies to work with.

This is easily the most industry ready expansion pack that we’ve ever put together, loaded with a variety of amazing placement ready samples to work with.

You’ll also have the ultimate creative freedom to break down each melody, piece by piece to its original stems.

So take advantage of this one-time opportunity to get the CHAOS Platinum Expansion while you still can!


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