Oversampled Ultimate Future Bass Toolkit WAV MiDi-FANTASTiC

Oversampled Ultimate Future Bass Toolkit WAV MiDi-FANTASTiC

Peter, a CEO of Oversampled, has gathered one of the best future bass producers and sound designers to create the Ultimate Future Bass Toolkit.

With over 7 years of professionally making future bass he decided it’s finally time to share his sound with the world. ​

Since this is “The Ultimate” pack for Future Bass, we went for all sorts of different fells. Epic, heavy, poppy, emotional and more.


One of our favorite things to create are drum loops. That’s what brings your track to life and gives it bounce. There are those exciting buildup drums, bouncy drop loops and top loops to add movement. Each one-shot has gone through an advanced post-processing. Transient designing, dynamic control, tone shaping, layering, saturating and more.

We all know that creating a memorable melody isn’t an easy task, but it is something that will make your songs stand out. We took a look at top artists and studied the way they craft their melodies. We put all the knowledge (+our years of experience) together and designed unique melody loops that stay in your head for a long time. This pack includes more than melody loops: chordstacks, guitar loops, pads, piano loops and more.

Every producer knows finding that perfect vocal for your track is super hard. That’s why we hired professional singers (yes! those you hear on your favorite, popular future bass labels) to create a bunch of acapellas for you to use in your songs. Each acapella has lead vocals, harmonies, adlibs, effects, they’re basically full vocals for full tracks. Separately we couldn’t forget about vocal chops and oneshots so you will find them in this pack too.

Playable instruments are very useful. Just slap them into the sampler and be able to play your own melodies without an actual synth! We’ve included synth, brass and vocal one-shots. Of course we didn’t forget about basses! Future Bass genre has some trap elements in it and one of them are 808s. Those sounds create that pleasant, saucy low-end that everyone likes.

What makes a track exciting are transitions. We’ve included sounds from sweeps, risers, fallers, impacts to fills that will help you create smooth transitions between sections and keep your listeners engaged.

Never feel uninspired again with a 100 bonus MIDI files. Full melody loops will help you kickstart your creative process making you feel inspired and motivated to create.


•Drums (700)
•Melodies (250)
•Vocals (125)
•Playable Instruments (165)
•Effects (180)
•Bonus MIDIs (100)


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