[舞曲采样]Zenhiser 138bpm Trance WAV-FANTASTiC

[舞曲采样]Zenhiser 138bpm Trance WAV-FANTASTiC

We’re back with a Trance wav pack that will absolutely blow your mind. Imagine gaining access to some of the best Trance hooks you’ve ever heard, then being told you can use any of them in your tracks! 1.5GB of brand new basslines, drum beats, fx, fx loops, synth shorts, synth loops and full loops.

138bpm Trance is any Trance producers wet dream, it’s instant access to a catalogue of Trance sounds and loops that simply surpass anything you have heard before. The rich palette of sounds used within these Trance loops is incredible, everything is looped perfectly with key and bpm information added to filenames where needed. This sample pack is ideal for any Trance producer creating tracks round the 138bpm mark, it’s powerful, driving and insanely melodic.

138bpm Trance was created to ensure we covered Trance producers who like their tracks a little faster, classic and power fuelled. The kits included range from utter melodic heaven through to driving, synth heavy power packed loops. An extra array of Trance drum hits and fx sounds delivers a broader sample pack, this covers all eventualities when creating your tracks. This really is a monster of a pack and once you’ve heard the preview we believe you’ll be adding this Trance pack to your cart within seconds.

All samples within “138bpm Trance” are 100% royalty free. Once purchased you can use all these sounds in your tracks and remixes, with no restrictions.


•Drums – Kicks 10
•Drums – Hi Hats – 15
•Drums – Claps – 10
•Drums – Snares – 10
•Drums – Percussion – 15
•FX – 70
•Full Kits – 40 (includes basslines, beats, fx loops, synth loops, full loop – 317 loops)


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