DISCOVER | April/17Th/2018 | 453MB
……:::::: Sylenth1 Soundbank ::::::……
Huge chords… That is why Future Bass is so special. With this Soundbank we want to make it as easy as possible for you to achieve those crazy Future Bass Sounds which can make a whole crowd move.

In order to achieve those huge Chord stacks you need to layer a bunch of sounds together which can be frustrating if you have no idea how to do it correctly.
Within this Soundbank however, you will find multiple Chord patches which are labeled with numbers, making it super easy for you to simply layer those together and instantly receive that crazy Future Bass sound without knowing any complex sound-design!

• 100 x Presets For (Lennar Digital Sylenth1)
• 033 x (Chord-Synths) Sounds
• 022 x (Basses) Sounds
• 015 x (Leads) Sounds
• 015 x (Plucks) Sounds
• 015 x (Pads) Sounds
• PC & Mac Compatible
Requirements: Lennar Digital Sylenth1 v2.2.1+ or higher.

……:::::: Drum Samples And Loops ::::::……
A huge Sample Pack. Just as huge as those Future Bass chords. Inside of this gigantic Sample Pack you will find everything you need to create a Future Bass track and all samples are specifically designed for Future Bass.

This means that inside of this Sample Pack you will find short and punchy Kicks as well as huge Stomp-kicks that make your track move, tonal Snares which create that insane vibe, big Toms to create those crazy Future Bass fills and also a bunch of Cymbals to create the groove of the track.

On top of that the Sample Pack comes with a bunch of loops which can be popped right into your track or used for inspiration.

• 581 x Drum Samples And Loops:
• 050 x Kicks
• 065 x Snares
• 050 x Claps
• 050 x Percussions
• 025 x Hi-Hats – (Closed)
• 025 x Hi-Hats – (Open)
• 025 x Crashes
• 025 x Rides
• 025 x 808s
• 010 x Toms
• 010 x Snaps
• 030 x Drum Loops
• 025 x Cymbal Loops
• 015 x Snare Rolls
• 015 x Fills
• 015 x Downlifters
• 030 x Uplifters
• 010 x Impacts
• 010 x Risers
• 065 x Foley, Ambience, Atmos
• 024 x Vocal Chops

……:::::: FL Studio Project – (2 Project For FL Studio) ::::::……
These 2 Project Files are perfect to get started with the new Future Bass genre. Dig deep into each Project File to learn exactly how to build a Future Bass track, study which Sounds work together well and which don’t, learn how to use huge Drums in the Breakdowns as well as Drops to your advantage etc. The list could go on and on. There is simply so much you can do with Project templates like these.

• Perfect to get started with the new genre.

• Study mix, master, layering, sound-desing & arrangement and use the techniques in your own productions.

• Save your favourite samples and presets to use them in future projects.

• Reverse-engineer the entire project and take notes to remember details and tricks!

Requirements: Image-Line FL Studio 12+ or higher.



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