[最自然的鼓声]DrumDrops Folk Rock Drops Vol 1 Complete Bundle MULTiFORMAT-DECiBEL

[最自然的鼓声]DrumDrops Folk Rock Drops Vol 1 Complete Bundle MULTiFORMAT-DECiBEL

DECiBEL团队 | 2021年3月26日 | 24.9GB

Folk Rock Drops vol. 1包含了16首鼓曲,从一系列的民谣摇滚乐曲中获得影响。他们中的大多数都是基于60年代和70年代的歌曲。鼓声由民谣摇滚专家Martyn Barker演奏,并由传奇制作人/工程师Phill Brown录制。这张专辑是在伦敦历史悠久的Miloco Livingston录音室录制的,使用的是1966年的Ludwig Hollywood套装。

这些曲目的旋律参考了John Martyn、Traffic、Neil Young、Nick Drake、Fairport Convention和Bob Dylan等艺术家。速度从74 BPM到162 BPM,有大量的曲目和节奏可供选择。有一些3/4的选择,有几个曲目是用刷子和热风琴演奏的。

Phill Brown(John Martyn, Bob Marley, Rolling Stones, Talk Talk, Led Zeppelin)利用他多年积累的知识,回到了60年代他在Olympic Studios的时候。Phill的想法是创造一个具有现代风格的60年代的鼓声。他没有把话筒放在靠近鼓的位置,而是想捕捉自然的鼓声,并记录下 “死 “的房间。他在鼓上只用了五个话筒:一个放在踢腿上,一个放在小鼓上,两个放在鼓周围的话筒,提供了一个令人惊讶的良好的立体声画面,还有一个单声道的头顶。所有的话筒都是通过API话筒前级录制的,在转入Pro Tools之前,直接录制在Studer A80的2英寸磁带上,有一个16轨的头块。这套设备是在Livingston比较干燥的房间里录制的(我们把肝脏的房间留给了第二卷)。虽然声音是被控制的,但它周围有一个伟大的氛围。多年来,Livingston被用来录制大量的热门唱片,并以伦敦的顶级鼓房之一而闻名。


Martyn Barker有超过30年的专业打鼓生涯。他在Shriekback乐队开始了他的职业生涯,并且是一个繁忙的录音和巡回演出的鼓手。Martyn曾为Martha和Rufus Wainwright、Richard Hawley、Katherine Williams、Lou Reed、Peggy Seeger等艺术家演奏,他还在Joe Boyd的《Way To Blue》中担任鼓手,使他成为这张专辑的最佳人选。

所有16首曲目都可以以多轨(未混合)、主干(混合)或鼓循环包的形式购买。多音轨带有节奏图和OMF文件,可以输出到其他DAW。我们为Pro Tools、Logic、Cubase、Reason、Reaper、Studio One和Ableton Live提供模板,音频为24Bit WAV。我们还包括多轨循环包,分为前奏、合唱、桥段、诗句和结束部分。这些循环已经被锁定在节奏上,所以你可以快速建立轨道,而不是使用节奏图。


循环包包含每个组件干的4小节循环,以及锁定在节拍上的2小节循环的槽和填充物的文件夹。我们在每个鼓轨中都包含了尽可能多的有用循环。循环的格式为24位WAV、Apple Loops(24位和16位)和Rex 2文件。

Team DECiBEL | 26 Mar 2021 | 24.9GB
Separated Formats

Folk Rock Drops vol. 1 contains 16 drum tracks taking influence from a range of folk rock tracks. Most of them are based on songs from the 60s and 70s. The drums were played by Folk Rock expert Martyn Barker and recorded by legendary Producer / Engineer Phill Brown. The album was recorded at the historic Miloco Livingston Studios in London using a 1966 Vintage Ludwig Hollywood Kit.

The grooves on these tracks take reference from artists such as John Martyn, Traffic, Neil Young, Nick Drake, Fairport Convention and Bob Dylan. Ranging in tempo from 74 BPM to 162 BPM there is a huge range of tracks and grooves to choose from. There are a few 3/4 options and a couple of tracks were played with brushes and hotrods.

For the sound Phill Brown (John Martyn, Bob Marley, Rolling Stones, Talk Talk, Led Zeppelin) used his years of accumulated knowledge and went back to the time of the 60s when he was based at Olympic Studios. Phill’s idea was to create a 1960s drum sound with a modern twist. Instead of positioning the microphones close to the kit he wanted to capture a natural drum sound and record the ‘dead’ room. He used only five microphones on the kit: one on the kick, the snare, two kit microphones placed around the kit which provide a surprisingly good stereo picture, and a mono overhead. All of the mics were recorded through API mic pre’s and recorded straight to 2″ tape on a Studer A80 with a 16 track headblock before being transferred into Pro Tools. The kit was recorded in the drier sounding room at Livingston (we saved the liver room for Volume 2 ). Although the sound is controlled it has a great ambience around it. Livingston has been used to record a multitude of hit records over the years and is well known for being one of London’s top drum rooms.

The kit we used for this was a beautiful vintage 1966 Ludwig Hollywood Kit. It is almost identical to the Super Classic kit which Ringo Starr once used, except it has two rack toms rather than just the one. These are beautiful sounding kits. The snares used were a Ludwig 400 and a 1960s wooden Ludwig Snare.

Martyn Barker has had a career playing the drums professionally for over 30 years. He started his career with the band Shriekback and is a busy session drummer recording and touring. Martyn has played for artists such as Martha and Rufus Wainwright, Richard Hawley, Katherine Williams, Lou Reed, Peggy Seeger and he also played drums on Joe Boyd’s ‘Way To Blue’ making him a perfect choice for this album.

All sixteen tracks can be purchased as multi- tracks (unmixed), stems (mixed) or drum loop packs. The multi-tracks come with a tempo map and OMF file to export into other DAW. We provide templates for Pro Tools, Logic, Cubase, Reason, Reaper, Studio One and Ableton Live and the audio comes as 24 Bit WAVs. We also include multi-track loop packs separated into intro, chorus, bridge, verse and outdo. These loops have been locked to the tempo so you can quickly build tracks rather than using the tempo map.

The stems and mix packs contain all the drum parts and percussion as separate stems, come as 24 bit WAVs and also include a tempo map. The stem packs also include stem and mix loops chopped into the same song parts as the multi-tracks (intro, chorus, bridge, verse, middle 8 and outro). These can be quickly imported into any DAW to build tracks without a tempo map.

The loop packs contain live 4 bar loops in each component stem and a folder of grooves and fills which are 2 bar loops locked to the beat. We have included as many useful loops that we can get from each drum track. The loops come formatted as 24 bit WAVs, Apple Loops (24 bit and 16 bit) and Rex 2 Files.



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