[高音质管弦乐]ModeAudio Celestial Organic Texture Loops WAV-FANTASTiC

[高音质管弦乐]ModeAudio Celestial Organic Texture Loops WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 2021年3月26日 | 591 MB

天体–管弦乐纹理循环 “从ModeAudio录音室射下,就像一束巨大的光芒,在你脚下的土地上投下一个发光的颜色和图案的星系。




所有的东西都被编辑成完整的键标记,8小节循环,速度为120 Bpm,整个集合是成熟的,可以混合和匹配成密集的氛围,准备浇灌在你冰冷的Downtempo、House、Techno或微妙的原声带工作。

仰望星座,将你的音乐浸泡在宇宙的振动和灵感中–今天就下载 “Celestial – Orchestral Texture Loops”!

FANTASTiC | 26 March 2021 | 591 MB

‘Celestial – Orchestral Texture Loops’ beams down from the ModeAudio studio like a colossal shaft of radiant light, casting a galaxy of luminous colour and pattern on the ground beneath your feet.

Fill the air around you with sonic warmth and texture with this heavenly array of iridescent acoustic timbres and tonalities, an 840MB collection of deeply Cinematic drone and texture loops wrapped in the timeless embrace of the orchestra.

Pore over this set of 200 royalty-free sounds and uncover delicate layers of blurred instrumental flavour, from lush, decadent strings, weightless woodwinds, resonant brass, ethereal pianos, and transfixing choral singing.

This intimately atmospheric library of 26 sets of complementary sounds has been crafted using our signature custom processing chain, producing a rich palette of seamlessly looping textures for you to bathe your next production in.

With everything edited into fully key-labelled, 8 bar loops at 120 Bpm, the entire set is ripe for mixing and matching into dense washes of ambience, ready to be poured over your chilled Downtempo, House, Techno, or subtle soundtrack work.

Look to the constellations and soak your music in cosmic vibration and inspiration – download ‘Celestial – Orchestral Texture Loops’ today!



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