[Hard Trap带试听]Sample Tools By Cr2 Hard Trap WAV-FANTASTiC

[Hard Trap带试听]Sample Tools By Cr2 Hard Trap WAV-FANTASTiC

If you are in need of some aggressive bass samples, savage synth leads, and pounding drums, then Hard Trap is the pack for you! Hard Trap blends hard hitting trap with elements of dubstep and future bass, providing you with a unique selection of high intensity sounds.

This heavy pack will provide you with over 350 professionally produced samples, all 100% royalty free. All samples are processed to the highest standard and are ready to drag & drop straight into your processions with ease.

Inspired by the likes of Fabian Mazur, NGHTMRE, Virtual Riot, and NXTY, this versatile pack boasts some incredible bass design, powerful drums, vicious leads, and dynamic vocals. Expect to find deep bass shots, aggressive bass loops, wonky synth licks, as well as booming 808 samples, slappy drum loops, and spine tingling FX elements. All synth and bass loops are provided as both a dry and wet version for maximum flexibility!

Furthermore, this sample pack includes three high energy demo kits, of which one included a powerful vocal topline. Each demo kit is fully broken down into corresponding loops and one shots, providing you with an extensive arsenal of prodigious sounds.

We are Sample Tools by Cr2 and this is… Hard Trap!

•122 one shots
•222 loops

如果你需要一些激进的贝斯样本、野蛮的合成器线索和重击的鼓声,那么Hard Trap就是为你准备的包! Hard Trap将重击性的Trap与dubstep和future bass的元素相融合,为你提供独特的高强度声音选择。


受Fabian Mazur、NGHTMRE、Virtual Riot和NXTY等人的启发,这个多功能的包拥有一些令人难以置信的低音设计、强大的鼓声、凶恶的线索和动态的人声。期待找到深沉的贝斯镜头,积极的贝斯循环,古怪的合成器乐曲,以及轰鸣的808样本,拍打的鼓循环,和令人刺痛的FX元素。所有的合成器和低音循环都提供了干式和湿式版本,以获得最大的灵活性。


我们是Cr2的Sample Tools,这是…Hard Trap!



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