[未来之音]789TEN Future Sounds V.2 by ReauBeau

[未来之音]789TEN Future Sounds V.2 by ReauBeau

Future Bass and Trap producer ReauBeau is no stranger to quality, and no stranger to success.

Releasing with the likes of: Circus Records, Lowly, Riotville Records, Musical Freedom, Trap City, Elysian Records, Revealed, Tribal Trap, Spinnin, Sony, Riotville Records, WOLV, and more.

Accompanied by production credits for the likes of: Toyota, NBA, Deezer, Doordash, Red Bull, America’s Got Talent, SONY, FIFA20, Need For Speed Heat, Volkswagen, Mercedes, Universal, and more…

ReauBeau packaged up his secret sauce in the form of a MEGA pack. These are the funky euphoric sounds that have built his career as one of the most respected Future Bass, Hip Hop, and Trap producers in the industry, and attributed to his impressive range of performances at festivals such as Tomorrowland, ADE, SXSW, and many more globally recognized stages.

“A combination between electronic and organic.” – ReauBeau

SAMPLE PACK: To say that this sample pack is a testimony to quality, is an understatement. Truly one of the most unique packs in the world, every sound elevates the soundscape of your productions in a way never heard before. Every sound from the trailer, and many more, have been meticulously recorded, processed, and created with one idea in mind: that every single sound in this collection of 748 samples, can make a difference in your track.

“I just went nuts with the sound design” – ReauBeau

Cinematic, thick, textural, viscous, and melancholy.

This sample pack is your secret weapon to add instant emotion, interest, and grit into your music.


With genre defying quality.

Orchestral, future synths, arps, inspiration, 808’s reece bass, one shots, transformers, crossfit sounds, thumps, BIG drums, claps, snaps, hats, percs, cymbals, snares, kicks, ripping tape, household items, windchimes, thumb piano, wine glasses, weird flutes, drills, toys, downlifters, glitches, impacts, atmospheres, piano chords, piano one shots, vox, and more…

“You click on a sound and it HITS you” – ReauBeau

MIDI PACK: Start your next track with an edge. 10 royalty free chord progressions unique to ReauBeau’s future style ready for plug and play use.

ABLETON PROJECT FILE: ReauBeau cooked up what is possibly the craziest demo track, in the existence of all sample pack demo tracks. See how he did it and pull techniques directly from industry veteran ReauBeau.

A music producer’s secret weapon.


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