[音乐采样]Musical Sampling Atelier Series: Daydream KONTAKT

[音乐采样]Musical Sampling Atelier Series: Daydream KONTAKT

Daydream is an intimate release that includes four instruments geared towards emotional, ethereal contexts.

For the Cozy Piano patch, we recorded an upright piano at the pianissimo range with a stereo pair of Neumann KM 184’s placed behind the piano. Great patch if you’re looking for a soft, intimate piano with just enough character.

We also recorded a crossfade-able, arrhythmic soft sustains performance patch. With the modwheel down, the ebbing of notes is spacious and subtle. As you crossfade up, the ebbing grows with a touch more urgency and dynamics.

Also included is Recollections; a designed, organic, quietly percolating instrument using arrhythmic piano recordings as source material.

Finally the Ether Violin, which utilizes recordings of real auto-panned soft tremolo performances captured “in-camera”. This involved using a pair of stereo mics while the player physically leaned left/right at various speeds while performing the tremolo.


• All sustains recorded pedal down with release triggers
• Performed very soft (pianissimo range)
• Subtle pedal up samples
• True physical autopanning solo violin soft tremolos
• Includes soft, arrhythmic successive sustains piano patch
• Designed arhythmic, organic texture patch
• Adjustable reverb of custom hall impulse


Oftentimes during the research and experimental phase of development, we’ll create instruments that don’t necessarily belong to a bigger, themed release. Instead of attempting to shoehorn them into a future release or trying to construct a comprehensive product around it, we decided to create the Atelier Series so that other composers can enjoy our explorations in sample development as well.

We didn’t create this line to simply offload unused patches. Like with any of our products, we will only include instruments that we find compelling, useful and treated with the same level of care and attention to detail. Only difference is that they are provided in more affordable, bite-sized packages.


Requires full retail version of Kontakt 5.8.1 or higher
Free Kontakt Player NOT supported
Recorded in 48khz / 24bit


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