免费Native Instruments Kontakt 6 v6.4.2 完整版 WiN X86/X64

免费Native Instruments Kontakt 6 v6.4.2 完整版 WiN X86/X64

Native Instruments Kontakt是一款功能强大的音乐采集器,通过该软件,用户可以很好的使用软件编辑音频文件,在录制歌曲的时候,拥有一款好的声音采集器值非常重要的,在音乐设计的过程中,就需要采集不同类型的声音进行设计,增加音频文件的原始效果,也能使用不同的音频设计混音、混响,延迟,动态,失真等多种特效,拥有八十多项制作项目,可以在采集的同时帮助您编辑创建大型的优质音频文件.


WiN X86 X64 |670.61 MB

With KONTAKT 6, you can sound like a snare drum, a symphony orchestra, or anything in between, from a universe of sampled instruments. It’s a simple sampler when you want it to be, and a deep sonic scripting laboratory when you need something more. The next generation of the world’s favorite sampling platform gives you new instruments and new features under the hood – so you can layer, link, stretch, and shape your sounds any way you can imagine.

Additional functionality:

1. Activation of protected libraries is not required, the ability to register (add to bookmarks) in batch mode.
2. Ability to edit patches of protected libraries.
3. Ability to re-save with samples of patches from protected libraries.
4. Ability to edit password-protected scripts.

6.4.2 – 2020-09-21
Bug fix

FIXED Under certain conditions enabling multiple Kontakt instances at once in Vienna Ensemble could crash Kontakt
FIXED Loading and unloading an NKI quickly could crash Kontakt
FIXED Supercharger GT still appeared in the wrong place in some menus
FIXED Collection of minor cosmetic GUI bugs and inconsistencies
ADDED New factory KSP utility scripts Single Sample Drop and Group Selector
ADDED Additional modulation shaper presets for filter keyboard tracking
Creator Tools stays on version 1.2.0 and works with this version of Kontakt, too.


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