Native Instruments Kontakt 免费下载 6 v6.4.0 MacOSX

Native Instruments Kontakt 免费下载 6 v6.4.0 MacOSX

Native Instruments Kontakt是一款功能强大的音乐采集器,通过该软件,用户可以很好的使用软件编辑音频文件,在录制歌曲的时候,拥有一款好的声音采集器值非常重要的,在音乐设计的过程中,就需要采集不同类型的声音进行设计,增加音频文件的原始效果,也能使用不同的音频设计混音、混响,延迟,动态,失真等多种特效,拥有八十多项制作项目,可以在采集的同时帮助您编辑创建大型的优质音频文件.

Standalone, AU, VST | August 27, 2020 | 569 MB

With KONTAKT 6, you can sound like a snare drum, a symphony orchestra, or anything in between, from a universe of sampled instruments. It’s a simple sampler when you want it to be, and a deep sonic scripting laboratory when you need something more. The next generation of the world’s favorite sampling platform gives you new instruments and new features under the hood – so you can layer, link, stretch, and shape your sounds any way you can imagine.

Release Notes:
6.4.0 — 2020-08-26
• New Dynamic Effects, new Main Effects Module.
• ADDED There are now two new effects for dynamic processing (SUPERCHARGER GT,
Transparent Limiter)
• ADDED There is now a new Main Effects signal processing module
• ADDED New constants for the argument when setting and getting engine
• IMPROVED The number of maximum MIDI object export areas has been increased to 512
• ADDED KSP A new constant that defines which area should be used when dragging from a
• ADDED KSP A new command that defines the number of MIDI object export areas
• ADDED KSP A new command mf_copy_export_area() is used to manage the usage of
the new additional export areas
• ADDED KSP New bindings for Inverter and Amplifier parameters for Phase Invert and L/R
• ADDED KSP A new constant allows up to 16 custom event parameters to be assigned
• IMPROVED Effects can now be replaced with a right mouse click
• IMPROVED Saving the name of a custom snapshot by pressing “Enter” is now supported
• FIXED Since Kontakt 6.3.0 folder locations with a slash directly in the path would not
be stored by Kontakt
• FIXED KSP Showing and hiding a label with a drop target did not work correctly
• FIXED Replika BBD Type, Diffusion Amount, Diffusion Mod and Diffusion Density did not
correctly recall values
• FIXED When used as a send effect, Replika return parameter did not behave correctly
• FIXED Kontakt would crash in certain edge cases when manually entering values in edit
• ADDED New factory KSP multi script Remap Keyboard
• IMPROVED Tweaks to the factory KSP multi script Change Keys
• ADDED Replika, Plate Reverb and Send Effects Chain additional presets

Install Notes:
Just install and enjoy!
Use 5.6.0 K’d Kontakt (Applications/Native Instruments/Kontakt) to add libraries


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