2DEEP Royalty Free Samples Volume 4 WAV-DISCOVER

2DEEP Royalty Free Samples Volume 4 WAV-DISCOVER

‘Royalty Free Samples Volume 4’ is the fourth installment to this series of sample packs by 2DEEP. This amazing kit was specially geared toward the sample-based producers that don’t want to go through the hassle of getting clearances, or in worst case getting hit with a lawsuit for copyright infringement.

Available to download are multiple mixed versions of each sample, as well as the tracklines so you have full creative control over your project.

……:::::: Product Specifications ::::::……
ß Format: (.WAVs)
ß 10 x Full Instrumental Tracks – (Including: ß (.Stems)
ß 10 x Mixed & Mastered FullMix/Preview Tracks – (.WAVs/MP3s)
ß 53 x Individual (.WAVs) (.Stems)
ß 73 x Files In Total
ß Tempo-Labelled
ß Complete Fully Mastered Mix
ß 44.1kHz/24-Bit High Quality
ß Compatible With All DAWs
ß PC & Mac Compatible
ß 100% Royalty-Free

……:::::: PRODUCT DEMO/PREViEW ::::::……


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对于会员专享、整站源码、程序插件、网站模板、网页模版等类型的素材,文章内用于介绍的图片通常并不包含在对应可供下载素材包内。这些相关商业图片需另外购买,且本站不负责(也没有办法)找到出处。 同样地一些字体文件也是这种情况,但部分素材会在素材包内有一份字体下载链接清单。


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