Echo Sound Works HAVANA WAV MiDi Massive Serum TUTORiAL

Echo Sound Works HAVANA WAV MiDi Massive Serum TUTORiAL

Echo Sound Works, the team behind top selling products like Ashes, Chainsmoking, Snake Lazers, CODA and so much more, is proud to share with you one of the most unique sample pack/soundsets we’ve ever made.

HAVANA is a one of a kind collection of sounds, presets, samples and more, that will help improve your productions by simply having access to these highly unique sounds. Sounding unique and different is more than half the battle with production.

Pushing Serum and Massive into uncharted territory, HAVANA is in inspired by the colorful and vibrant music of Latin America and the Caribbean. It pairs perfectly with more mainstream genres like Future Bass, Trap, Hip Hop, and Future Pop.

We spent 5 months creating all the content for Havana. It is our largest soundset to date and comes with 150 Serum presets and 85 presets for Massive as well as 420 drum samples and loops, construction kits, MIDI, and Latin guitar loops totaling 3.5 GB of content.

HAVANA is the genre fusing soundset for both Xfer Records Serum and NI Massive, blending Latin music with Future Bass, Trap, Future Pop, Tropical House, and Hip Hop. Latin music has exploded in 2018. Thanks to global hits like Despacito and Havana by Camila Cabello, Latin music is finding it’s way into more and more music. That’s why we decided to make HAVANA.

We pushed each synth to it’s limits to bring you the most diverse set of presets. You will find marimbas, bells, keys, steel pans, brass sounds, guitars and other hybrid instrument sounds in Serum. There are also more conventional sounds perfect for any modern genre of electronic music and Hip Hop like huge 808’s, drop ready leads and of course chill pads.

If you haven’t used Massive in a while, dust it off and pull it up. These sounds are unlike anything you’ve heard in Massive.

HAVANA truly does blur lines between genres and can be used in Future Bass, Trap, Tropical House, House, Future House, Moombahton, Pop, Hip Hop and more. It’s not just for songs that inspired by Latin music.

We don’t usually shout out our drum samples in product descriptions, but HAVANA is a whole other beast. We sampled so many unique, Latin percussion instruments and mixed them to be song ready. You get hundreds of incredible percussion sounds like Timbales, Congas, Guiros, Maracas, to name a few. The percussion in this pack should and could be it’s own product, but it made perfect sense to pair these samples with the presets in HAVANA.

As an added bonus, we’ve included two free products, ESW Latin Pop Guitars and ESW Core Wavetables.

Latin Pop Guitars

The ESW Latin Pop Guitars is a collection of 10 Latin inspired guitar kits as well as bonus loops. Over 100 loops and riffs are at your disposal. You can hear some of these in the demo for HAVANA.

Core Wavetables

ESW Core Wavetables is our very own library of wavetables for Serum. 310 custom tables to be exact. And you can be sure we made use of these all over in Havana.

Pack Contents:

•150 Serum Presets
•310 Serum Wavetables
•85 NI Massive Presets
•420 Drum Samples & Loops
•70 MIDI Files
•100 Guitar Loops & 10 Guitar Kits
•7 Construction Kits

Software Requirements:

•Serum 1.215 | Massive 1.4



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