Origin Sound is proud to present “Utopia Vol II”, a faithful follow on to it’s predecessor. The world of Utopia is filled with rich unique textures, warm basses, cinematic tones, lush harmonies and inventive SFX. Vol II comes packed with over 1GB of royalty free samples, more than doubling that of the first instalment, with richly selected sounds for every element of your melodic productions!

For those who aren’t familiar, Utopia combines a stunning collection of music loops, one shots, MIDI files, drum loops, drum one shots and more to escalate your sonic palette to a new level!

This comprehensive assortment of musical elements features pianos, rhodes keys, guitars, music boxes, analog synths, vocals, pads and a range of world instruments such as woodwinds, percussive plucks and far out stringed instruments, many of which are tastefully refined in lush reverbs, or warped beyond recognition, creating a pure atmospheric tone throughout the library.

A dazzling collection of drum loops provide the foundation to the pack, with separate stems for fully customisable grooves, enabling you to quickly and easily interchanged rhythms to suit your needs. A staggering 90 one hit drum samples are included ranging from organic kicks to real snare drums, fresh tops.

To truly bring the world of Utopia to your own production landscape, you need to dive into the selection of rich textures and sonically pleasing SFX the pack has to offer, sure to add a detailed aesthetic to your music.

Utopia is a plethora of sounds for fans of downtempo artists such as Maribou State, Bonobo, and Tycho. At tempos from 100, 105, 115BPM, Utopia is an essential asset for those taking a larger than life cinematic approach to their sonic aesthetic.

……:::::: Product Specifications ::::::……
• Format: WAVs & MIDIs
• 081 x Crisp Drum Hits – (20 x Kicks, 20 x Percussions, 20 x Snares, 21 x Tops)
• 020 x Rolling Drum Loops – (Full Bounces And Stem Bounces)
• 020 x (Bonus): Percussion Loops
• 010 x (Bonus): Foley Loops
• 019 x Unique SFX
• 020 x Thick Textures
• 022 x Adaptable Musical (One-Shots) Samples – (10 x Bass, 12 x Synth Instrument)
• 020 x Lush Musical Stacks
• 021 x Warm Bass Loops – (Including: 18 x MIDIs Files)
• 023 x Worldly Chord Loops – (Including: 23 x MIDIs Files)
• 050 x Soaring Melody Loops – (Including: 20 x MIDIs Files)
• 346 x Individual (.WAVs) Files
• 061 x Individual (.MIDIs) Files
• 407 x Files In Total
• Key And Tempo-Labelled
• 44.1kHz 24-Bit High Quality
• Compatible With All DAWs
• PC & Mac Compatible
• Royalty-Free



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