[还没有找到心仪的Bass 么?]Ueberschall Vintage Bass ELASTIK

[还没有找到心仪的Bass 么?]Ueberschall Vintage Bass ELASTIK

Vintage Bass
For the biggest, boldest and downright baddest basses Vintage Bass is where it’s at. The library was recorded with a 1978 Music Man Stingray bass equipped with very old strings. The performance’s rhythmic phrasing varies from straight to a swinging bounce, and the microtiming is tastefully pushed and pulled across the beat for additional groove and attitude. Ideal for Downtempo, HipHop, LoFi, Lounge or Chill, both in sound and groove, Vintage Bass is the real deal.

The Genuine Sound Of Downtempo Vintage Bass
Containing over 300 unique bass performances, and almost 2 GB of sample data, the loops are organized into 45 folders based on key and tempo. Original recording tempos were between 60 and 90BPM for that perfect downtempo feel. However, tempo can be simply adjusted to match your project using Elastik’s powerful sample manipulation features. Each folder contains multiple 2 or 4-bar phrases that can easily be combined to build a complete bass part. In addition, the consistent sound across all 45 performance folders makes it straightforward to mix and match loops between the different folders, while Elastik can, of course, handle any key/pitch adjustment that might be required. All the performances are played by the masterful Jürgen Attig to ensure a vintage vibe.

Classy Performances In DI, Amp and FX Format
For maximum flexibility, each of the 328 performances is provided in three different versions. A perfect DI recording supplies a super-solid starting point and allows you to add your own amp modelling or effects of choice. The second set provides the signal recorded through a classic bass amp rig, with a warm sound and plenty of low end. Finally, the third set delivers the same loops with some additional effects applied and these are ideal for an instant, mix-ready, vibe, ready to drop straight into your Hip-Hop, Lo-Fi or Downtempo mix. And, if your speakers can handle it, you can always create your own blend of the three loop types for a truly massive sound.

Ideal For Downtempo, HipHop, LoFi, Lounge And More
Vintage Bass makes a perfect companion to other downtempo titles such as Downtempo Guitar 1 and 2, LoFi HipHop Beats, Tenor Saxophone, or Flugelhorn 2. With tons of character, a huge sound, and a true vintage feel, Vintage Bass is an inspiring choice for any busy producer working in HipHop LoFi, Downtempo, Lounge, RnB or Chill and will ensure that your next project gets the low-end class that it needs.

Electric Bass played by Jürgen Attig


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