Origin Sound is proud to present Sanctuary, a haven of sonic wealth filled with ethereal chord progressions, sparkling melodies, evolving bass’, crisp drum loops, intricate foley FX and much more.

Sanctuary contains a carefully selected range of 50 music loops and 20 musical one shots that will assist you in creating detailed immersive environments. The selection of various bass lines, chord progressions, and melodies have all been sculpted to provide a humanistic feel, even to those more synthetic sonics, creating a truly emotive library.

All melody loops provided are accompanied by the respective MIDI parts, for those who wish to quickly and easily add their own personal touch. This pack gives you the tools you need to infuse forward thinking vibes straight into your productions.

A premium collection of 11 drum loops provide a warm analog bed for Sanctuary, meticulously crafted from a mixture of live and synthetic elements. All loops split up into stems to provide easy creative freedom, allowing one to interchange elements as you please to create your own unique patterns.

For those who truly wish to build from the ground upwards Sanctuary provides 61 cutting individual drum hits, ranging from dusty kicks to rim shots, roomy snares and organic percussion, providing a mature drum soundscape to add to your productions.

Last but not least Sanctuary contains a plethora of unique SFX, from warped flute transitions, huge reverb foley impacts, through to contorted field recording atmospheres, there is plenty here to give your productions that final polish.

Sanctuary is a precisely sculptured library ideal for producers looking to add a touch of organic elements and beauty to there productions, taking influence from downtempo artists such as Bonobo, Tycho, Tourist, Maribou State, and more.

……:::::: Product Specifications ::::::……
• Format: WAVs & MIDIs
• 061 x Cutting Drum Hits – (15 x Kicks, 15 x Percussions, 15 x Snares, 16 x Tops)
• 011 x Characterful Drum Loops – (Full Bounces And Stem Bounces)
• 010 x (Bonus): Percussion Loops
• 030 x Foley Infused SFX
• 020 x Musical (One-Shots) Samples – (10 x Bass, 10 x Synth Instrument)
• 010 x Warm Bass Loops – (Including: 9 x MIDIs Files)
• 021 x Emotive Chord Loops – (Including: 17 x MIDIs Files)
• 019 x Gliding Melody Loops – (Including: 15 x MIDIs Files)
• 204 x Individual (WAVs) Files
• 041 x Individual (MIDIs) Files
• 245 x Files In Total
• Key And Tempo-Labelled
• 44.1kHz 24-Bit High Quality
• Compatible With All DAWs
• PC & Mac Compatible
• Royalty-Free



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