[Lo-Fi ->Serum 预设演示+ 采样]ADSR Sounds LO-FIRE WAV FXP

[Lo-Fi ->Serum 预设演示+ 采样]ADSR Sounds LO-FIRE WAV FXP

ADSR feeds your lo-fi addiction with LO-FIRE, 1.4GB of original sounds and samples covering the cross roads of Lofi Hip-Hop, Chill Hop, Downtempo Trap and Dusty Electronica.

Packed with well over 500 files, expect to find a comprehensive selection of creative content from classic to modern to completely unexpected.

From mesmerizing drum loops to modern melodics and subby basses to floating leads overlayed with organic vibes and vintage feels. Nothing warms the musical joints like the spark of expertly crafted Serum presets and the crackle of perfectly processed loops.

LO-FIRE features 100 presets for Xfer Serum including basses, keys, leads, pads and plucks. This could have been a pack in itself but TBH once we got started in the studio we just couldn’t stop!

Enjoy folder upon folder of samples and loops including drum loops, melodic guitar, piano, instrumental and synth loops plus 140+ one-shots all ready to inspire your productions in new directions.

This pack may seem laid-back but fair warning: these sounds will set fire to your productions.

Pack Contents:

101 Xfer Serum presets
17 Basses
10 FX
20 Keys
20 Leads
18 Pads
16 Plucks
Drum Loops
30 Drum Loops – supplied as both full and tops (60 total)
Melodic Loops
15 Electric Guitar Loops
20 Piano Loops
20 Instrumental Loops
35 Synth Loops
76 Bonus MIDI recorded from Melodic Loops
20 Acoustic Guitar Chords
20 Claps
20 Hats
30 Kicks
20 Melodic & Chord Hits
20 Snares
21 Stomped & SubFX Kicks
11 Synth Chords
5 Bonus Song Kits
Key and Tempo labelled

Total Number Of Files:

1.4GB Unzipped

Software Requirements:

Latest version of Xfer Serum


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