[阿波罗 萨克斯采样]APOLLO SOUND Saxophonic MULTiFORMAT

[阿波罗 萨克斯采样]APOLLO SOUND Saxophonic MULTiFORMAT

The great thing for Pop, Urban, Soulful & House music makers. Saxophonic – is a compilation of samples and loops alto & tenor sax. Saxophonic will be perfect for making music in genres like Dance Pop, Urban Pop, RnB, Hip-Hop, Soulful House, Nu Disco etc.

These live, moaning, sometimes hoarse sounds add some spicy groove to your rhythmical tracks or some smooth feeling to the lyrical ones. After all, no any VST instrument can not replace live sax record, and they can never sound like that.

Saxophones are recorded in a professional record studio with classic condenser AKG C414, and dynamic Shure SM58 microphones. Right, that one Shure, that is being used by a number of singers for their live performances. Combined with AKG C414 and analogue preamp they added the rich sound and unusual hue to this collection.

As a bonus we mentioned above we also give you 255 full ready drag-n-drop wet sax WAV loops that we processed through the classic hardware reverb unit Lexicon LXP-15II.

Please note: this is a Saxophone Sample Pack only! The DEMO contains other sounds exclusively for illustration and they are not included in this sample pack.

821 Loops & SamplesTotal

● 255 Dry Sax Loops WAV

● 255 Wet Sax Loops WAV

● 255 Slice Sax Loops REX2

● 57 Saxophone Samples

● 57 Soft Sampler Patches

► Archive size: 822 MB

► Quality 24Bit 44.1KHZ

► Audio formats: WAV, REX2

► Bpm 75┃85┃95┃110┃120┃125

► All loops & samples are key & BPM labelled

► All loops & samples are 100% Royalty Free

► Sampler patches: KONTAKT, HALION, NN-XT


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