[Lo-Fi HipHop 弄出老学校的年代感]Touch Loops True Lo-Fi Hip Hop WAV-DISCOVER

[Lo-Fi HipHop 弄出老学校的年代感]Touch Loops True Lo-Fi Hip Hop WAV-DISCOVER

Inspired by endless sessions of crate digging and sample discovery, this epic collection of hip-hop melody loops & song starters is all you’ll ever need. With a nod to classic 90s hip-hop but always looking forward, modern trap and rap fit firmly in with these samples showcasing the direction hip-hop has been moving in todays music.……:::::: Explore 15 Epic Construction Kits ::::::……
Broken down into 15 incredible construction kits, you’ll find processed vocal samples, performed piano & Rhodes loops, saturated 808 drum loops, harmonic arp phrases, warm subs and endless lashings of character. Each folder is also accompanied by a corresponding one shots folder to allow you to jump in and pull out any individual sounds you might need.……:::::: Lo-Fi Soundscapes, Rhodes Loops & More ::::::……
As well as the amazing construction kits you’ll also find a folder that we’re calling ‘Sample Crates’. In here you’ll find little nuggets of inspiration including more developed 8 bar loops, rich soundscapes, random MPC jams and endless little bits to get you out of a rut into the flow.

So, if you’re looking for a pack that will surprise and kick off any writing session then this is the one. A true sample diggers haven, we’re stoked to get this into your hands!

……:::::: Product Specifications ::::::……
• Format: (.WAVs)
• 015 x Construction Kits – (Including: (.Loops) Files)
• 096 x Individual (.WAVs) (.Loops) Files
• 060 x (One-Shots) Samples
• 029 x Sample Crates
• 185 x Individual (.WAVs) (.Loops/Samples) Files In Total
• Key And Tempo-Labelled
• 24-Bit/44.1kHz High Quality
• Compatible With All DAWs
• PC & Mac Compatible
• 100% Royalty-Free


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