[适合做Trap, Future Bass的素材包]Zenhiser Catalyst MULTiFORMAT-DECiBEL

[适合做Trap, Future Bass的素材包]Zenhiser Catalyst MULTiFORMAT-DECiBEL

Constructed solely at 150bpm “Catalyst” is filled to the brim with pure melodic bangers perfectly suited to any genre that headlines the stage. The sheer amount of top notch producer tools included in this pack is downright astonishing, fusing the heavy sound of Trap & Footwork with vocal heavy melodies has created a monster collection of sounds, loops, midi and stems that will go in history.

Explore the humongous 7+GB cluster today and you’ll find a diverse sample pack exploding with production potential. Influenced by melodic bass titans like Flume and Myrne, the professionally hand-crafted collection is literally going to blow any sound system apart. Song Starters weave their magic using some of the most euphoric breakdowns laden with male vocals, this is impressively followed by hefty drops that fuse colossal rhythms with brain rattling bass. Full Mix loops and their individual parts offer unprecedented grooves focusing on obligatory 808’s, searing leads, percussive mayhem and banging subs. A bunch of highly processed drum sounds adds the weaponry for innovative beats, fx and one shots arm your studio with everything else that is needed to supercharge your sound. Think that’s enough, think again, an extensive Midi collection is also included satisfying even the most hungry of urban producers.

“Catalyst” is a blistering selection of fresh, new royalty free sounds ideal for producers of Trap, Future Bass, Footwork and Melodic Dubstep. So push your limits in the studio today with the final cog in tried and tested sounds.


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