[舒服的LO-FI素材包]Production Master Cali Soul Lofi Chill and Soulful Beats WAV-DECiBEL

[舒服的LO-FI素材包]Production Master Cali Soul Lofi Chill and Soulful Beats WAV-DECiBEL

‘Cali Soul: Lofi Chill & Soulful Beats’ by Production Master is a meticulously-crafted collection that combines mellow melodies with dusty imperfections of Lo-Fi Hip Hop.

Jam-packed with the sweetest sounds and loops, this library offers a huge array of mellow chords, sonically balanced drum loops and hits, vibey sub basslines and textures with warm, tape-like timbre. If you’re into 24/7 chilled YouTube streams, beats to study to and Jazzy Hip Hop vibes, this pack is made just for you.

Dusty Low-Res Drums & Percussions
If you’re looking for crispy and crackling drum hits, this pack features a plethora of dusty low-res beats. Enjoy a careful selection of authentic drum machine pitter and live recorded dusty samples layered with calming vinyl crackles. All beats come as full drum loops, stripped-down stems and one-shots for maximum variety.

Mellow Dusty Chords & Melodies
This pack really captures the nostalgic character of vintage instrumentation and sampling techniques. There’s a beautiful palette of soulful guitar riffs, broken vintage electric piano, tape-saturated atmospheres with a simple mellow character and effected live recordings of instruments with an almost haptic mood! This pack includes the best content for late-night dreamy music.


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