Cymatics Project X WAV FXP MIDI ALP FLP

Cymatics Project X WAV FXP MIDI ALP FLP

Project X Is Finally Here And It’s Unlike Anything We’ve Ever Released!

Project X is a limited release only being offered to 1,250 producers


What exactly is Project X?

It’s been over a year since we released our last serious soundbank.

So with Project X, we knew we had to come back with something bigger and better than anything we’ve done in the past.

To accomplish this, our team spent many months experimenting with new synths, learning new sound design techniques, studying top songs, and much more.

We even hired everyone from 20 of the top producers in the industry to classically-trained pianists, and session-guitarists to help make this pack special.

So with our newly refined skills, and some of the industry’s top talent on our side, we put together 2500+ incredible samples & loops that are even more high quality, more unique, and more useful than anything we’ve ever made.

And Project X is designed for absolutely every producer, regardless of skill level or genre preference.

In the past, we’ve made several genre-specific packs (like Infinity, which was best used for House production or Nuclear, which is just for Dubstep.

But Project X doesn’t have these limitations.

Many of the artists on our team have been creating stellar tracks in genres like Dubstep, Trap, Future Bass, House, Hip Hop, and even genres we’ve never even heard before using ONLY Project X.

100% Money Back Guarantee if you aren’t completely satisfied.


These bonuses will ONLY be available with this Project X special offer.



This is an awesome collection of resources that we only want to show Project X holders.

For that reason, we can’t reveal any details about it.

But we will say that it contains some extremely valuable things you need to get your hands on if you want to advance your production career.



This is an incredible collection of vocals that are inspired by legendary artists like Flume, Daft Punk, Skrillex, Diplo, DJ Snake and Porter Robinson.

It includes everything from vocal one shots, chants, and phrases to vocal loops, arps, and even vocoder loops!

In total, this thing is packing 300 awesome vocals that will help your songs sound professional and “radio ready.”



Regardless of sound design, mix quality, or any other aspect of production…

A great melody and chord progression will ALWAYS be effective.

And to help you start great songs AND improve them, our team worked with professional songwriters and pianists to put together this diverse collection of inspiring melodies and profound chord progressions.

In total, it contains 250 stellar MIDI files that cover every single key and are suitable for ANY genre.

Whats Included In Project X?



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