[超好听的低保真Lofi素材包]Origin Sound Cosy Winter: Lofi Beats WAV-DECiBEL

[超好听的低保真Lofi素材包]Origin Sound Cosy Winter: Lofi Beats WAV-DECiBEL

‘Cosy Winter’ by Origin Sounds is an enriched Lo-Fi Hip Hop library full of warming tones, comforting melodies and soothing soundscapes.

Set the mood for your winter with the vast array of music loops on offer. Filled with an extensive collection of 137 evocative and enthralling loops, this pack gives you plenty of options to unlock your creative potential. Spanning from creative bending sub basses that intertwine perfectly with the accompanying elements, chord progressions that tenderly tell a narrative, dusty guitars, soulful trumpets, and wavy keys, all oozing a wealth of expression and emotion.

After setting the tone with the extensive array of music loops, light the fire of your beat with the warm grooves of the drum loops. ‘Cosy Winter’ provides 20 full drum loops, 20 percussion/tops loops. The drum loops folder contains all the laid back rhythms and subtle grooves you could need to make your next wintery beat. The kicks and snares are a perfect balance between thump and tone, ensuring they cut through the mix whilst maintaining an authentic character, whereas the cymbals provide a wonderful variation allowing you to add intricate detail to your tops. These sounds will liven up your tracks and help bring some life into your beats.

No pack would be complete without a selection of FX to help stand your beat out from the rest. ‘Cosy Winter’ provides 24 FX samples that range from vinyl crackles, birds singing, vintage vocal clips, and more, to give your beat its own identity.

Product Details:

• 105 Drum Hits
• 40 Drum Loops
• 21 Bass Loops
• 37 Chord Loops
• 38 Melodic Loops
• 26 Song Starters
• 15 Vinyl Cuts
• 24 FX
• 100% Royalty-Free


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