[适合冥想的旋律Lofi]Origin Sound Study Beats WAV-DECiBEL

[适合冥想的旋律Lofi]Origin Sound Study Beats WAV-DECiBEL

‘Study Beats’ by Origin Sounds is an essential addition to any aspiring Lo-Fi Hip Hop producer looking to refresh their sample library with some of the most authentic Lo-Fi samples available.

Get to work with our newest pack ‘Study Beats’. A detailed Lo-Fi Hip Hop pack that transcends various tempos, from uplifting swung beats, through to smooth Downtempo, whilst maintaining a melancholic mood throughout. Put your head down and explore ‘Study Beats’ to see for yourself.

Upon your first exploration through ‘Study Beats’, you will notice an encyclopedic selection of music loops, Construction Kits, authentic vinyl cuts, bass,chords, and melodies. The music loops are wonderfully organic, with an ample selection of dusty basslines, delicate arpeggiating guitars, crackly piano chords, and plenty more. A library truly full of inspiration at every corner.

Whilst the music loops folder is an essential aspect of ‘Study Beats’, the drum folders are a key element of the pack. Filled with over 40 drum loops and 120 drum hits, ‘Study Beats’ has everything to fulfil your Lo-Fi Hip Hop drum needs. All the drum hits provided have plenty of variety in timbre whilst staying true to the sonic aesthetic of Lo-Fi.

To finalise your beat in true Lo-Fi fashion, get creative with the numerous FX on offer, from birdsong samples to gramophone crackles, these Foley infused atmospheres and soundbites will provide your productions with a heightened level of Lo-Fi authenticity.

Product Details:

• 80 Drum Hits
• 40 Drum Loops
• 20 Bass Loops
• 30 Chord Loops
• 33 Melodic Loops
• 24 Song Starters
• 15 Vinyl Cuts
• 20 FX
• 100% Royalty-Free


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