The 13-string koto is one of Japan’s most dignified traditional instruments. Capable of everything from elegant, single plucked notes to aggressive glissandos, the koto boasts a wide range of musical expressions and can add a dash of refinement and grace to traditional Japanese music, modern film scores, and many other genres.

Main Features

  • Stunningly realistic 13-string koto reproduction thanks to precise recording and scripting
  • Up to eight velocity layers and four round-robin samples for natural sounding dynamics
  • 26 koto articulations, all key switch selectable
  • Five banks of quintessential koto phrases, all key switch selectable
  • Plucking control function for full mastery over subtle, natural sounding plucked notes
  • Performance mode maps each of the 13 strings to a white key for easy performance of real koto glissandos and phrases
  • 28 classic koto scales transposable into any key
  • User scale mode for creating custom scales for specific pieces
  • Stellar tone colors captured in full 24-bit, 96 kHz fidelity (library contains 24-bit, 44.1 kHz samples)
  • Samples recorded with multiple microphones, and the Direct, Overhead, Room, and Stereo Mix sources can be mixed independently to create unique sounds
  • 48 built-in convolution reverb settings with individual channel reverb mixing.



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