【尺八KONTAKT音源】Impact Soundworks Ventus Ethnic Winds – Shakuhachi KONTAKT

【尺八KONTAKT音源】Impact Soundworks Ventus Ethnic Winds – Shakuhachi KONTAKT

Impact Soundworks Ventus Ethnic Winds – Shakuhachi KONTAKT | 5.76 Gb

The debut instrument in our VENTUS Ethnic Winds series of beautiful solo instruments. Includes 15 playing techniques and 600 pre-recorded phrases – 6,000 samples in total! An ornament system allows for unique, authentic performances and TACT (Total Articulation Control Technology) provides the ultimate solution for fully customizable mapping.

• Over 6,000 24-bit samples recorded through warm ribbon & room mics
• 6 types of sustain articulations
• True legato playing w/ adjustable settings
• 5 different release ornaments
• 12 types of trills (fast, slow, multi intervals)
• 600+ phrases of multiple lengths and styles
• Phrases & breaths also provided as WAV

• Beautiful unified VENTUS interface
• Dozens of under-the-hood tweaking controls
• Ornament system for effortless authentic performances
• Phrase playback editor
• Easy FX rack with analog-modeled EQ, compressor, delay & reverb
• TACT – Total Articulation Control Technology for easy customization of all playing techniques



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