Synapse Audio DUNE v3.0.4

Synapse Audio DUNE v3.0.4

DUNE 3 is a powerful polyphonic synthesizer that combines VA/subtractive, Wavetable and FM synthesis with an extensive modulation system, named the Differential Unison Engine (DUNE).

A unique feature of DUNE 3 is the ability to synthesize a very high number of oscillator voices, regardless of the synthesis model in use. At full polyphony, up to 8320 oscillators can be active simultaneously.

The synthesizer output passes through two high-quality FX chains, containing EQ, Delay, Reverb, Distortion, Phaser, Chorus and Compression, in order to polish the sound yet further.

Features (excerpt):

  • Two oscillator stacks with up to 32 oscillators each.
  • Third oscillator and pink/white noise generator.
  • 8x Unison, resulting in up to 520 oscillators per note.
  • Polyphony up to 16 voices.
  • Zero-Delay feedback filters.
  • All-stereo signal path.
  • Powerful Wavetable Editor.
  • Four graphical envelopes (MSEG).
  • Two master FX busses containing 9 effects each.
  • Modulation up to audio-rate.
  • Multi-threaded processing.
  • Nice, clean HD interface with several sizes to choose from.



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