【好莱坞音效】Larger Than Life Sound Effects Library

【好莱坞音效】Larger Than Life Sound Effects Library


Larger Than Life Sound Effects is an awesome collection of 751 BIG royalty free sound effects offered on 5 Audio CDs or as a download. Created by Sound Dogs, one of Hollywood’s most elite production teams, the explosions, gunfire, thunder, bangs and crashes in this collection are undiluted and full strength. This collection includes Weapon Sounds – archery, arrow impacts, arrows hitting dirt targets, flaming arrows, hand guns, flame throwers, Sherman tanks, tank turrets; Fight Sounds, body falls, bone breaks, flesh rips & stabs, body hits, body punch impacts, face hits; and Science Fiction Sounds – rocket & space ship blast offs, Sci Fi whooshes, space object whooshes, space zaps, drone whooshes, space demons; and all of them are over the top, just where you need them to be. Big sounds for big productions – Larger Than Life Sound Effects.


  • 751 royalty free sound effects
  • Digitally recorded stereo audio
  • Available on 5 Audio CDs or by Download
  • Created by Sound Dogs – to be larger than life

Fire sound effects

  • Forest fires and building fires
  • Fireballs, firestorms and fire extinguishers

Crash sounds

  • Building, ceiling and elevator falls
  • Molotov cocktails, rumbles, blasts and debris




Recorded & Created by: Sound Dogs, Inc., Bob Grieve, Rob Nokes, John Switzer, Yann Delpuech, Greg King, Ryan Eldred

Mastering Engineer: David Lukezic



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