Epic Stock Media – AAA Game Character Giant

Epic Stock Media – AAA Game Character Giant

Epic Stock Media – AAA Game Character Giant (WAV)

‘AAA Game Character: Giant’ by Epic Stock Media is a voice over sound library featuring powerful male “giant” vocals on a mission for vengeance for your gaming sound productions. He’s hungry for man-flesh soup, likes taking naps on the smashed villages and thinks everyone owes him tributes of gold and silver. Awaken an ancient fantasy game character who will reign down thunder in your next audio production.

This pack provides you with 400 outstanding voice over sound files, vocalizations, battle cries, dialogue and everything you need to create truly game-ready characters, compelling stories, cinematic cut scenes, trailers, films, and much more. The giant’s voice texture is deep, heavy hitting and has a vibrant dynamic range, keeping things sounding bold and crisp.

All of the recordings are delivered in 96kHz/24-Bit WAV file format, giving you the best quality for heavy sound editing, pitch shifting, and FX processing while keeping a top-notch level of clarity and precision. The files are game ready as is, but feel free to add further effects on voice files to get an even bigger sound.

With ‘AAA Game Character: Giant’, you get to feast on your enemies’ bones, laugh at his opponents, and crush anyone who doesn’t give him what he wants. This pack not only supplies you with a useful variety of vocalizations, stock sayings and dialogue lines, but also with immersive scripted dialogues lines, allowing you to build those special in-game moments that the audience will enjoy.

Product details:
• 400 Fantasy Character Voice Over Audio Files
• 96kHz/24-Bit WAV
• Includes 44.1kHz/16-Bit, and Game Ready MP3 Version Of Library
• AAA Game Character Voice-Over Sound Effects Library
• Over 13 Minutes Of Sound
• 20 Battle Cries And Sayings
• 9 Breathing Types: Tired, Running, Slow, Running To Stop
• 21 Nasty Coughing Vocals: Disgusting, Evil, Clearing Throat, Growly, Hacking
• 15 Sad Crying Files: Sniffling, Short, Sad, Balling, Pitiful
• 106 Immersive, Scripted Dialogue Lines: “I Shall Smash You”, “I Am The Doom Of All Mankind”
• 31 Fight Vocals: Growl, Swing, Big, Groan, Quick, Huge
• 29 Jumping Vocalizations: Double Jump, Growl, Short, Big, Quick
• 21 Laughing Voice Files: Amused, Hearty, Singing, Roaring, Evil, Chuckle, Crazy
• 38 Pain Vocals: Hurt, Dying, Wound, Stabbed, Breathy
• 110 Stock Dialogue Lines Like “Thank you”, “Threat Spotted”, “You Win”


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