Loopmasters DJ Vadim The Dubcatcher Loops MULTiFORMAT

Loopmasters DJ Vadim The Dubcatcher Loops MULTiFORMAT

Loopmasters DJ Vadim The Dubcatcher Loops MULTiFORMAT | 1.61 Gb
Loopmasters proudly present DJ Vadim The DubCatcher Loops – an epic selection of samples from the hallowed vaults of one of the worlds most respected and hard-working producers. With a rock-solid a foundation in Instrumental Hiphop, DJ Vadim has combined Bass Culture, Reggae, Dub, Dancehall, Latin, Rap and World Music in this very special package – exclusively for Loopmasters Artist series, and 100% Royalty-Free for you!

DJ Vadim; Producer, DJ, promotor, record collector and award-winning radio presenter has dedicated over 2 decades of his life to the music world. With 13 albums released on Ninja Tunes, BBE records, and own OGS and Jazz Fudge imprints – DJ Vadim was even nominated for a Latin Grammy, for his work with 7n7c. He has played over 3000 gigs in 78 countries to date, establishing himself as one of the most talented and prolific performers on the scene – and he’s not stopping any time soon!

The DubCatcher Loops is one of the all-time sample collection heavyweights, weighing in at 2.37GB. With over 1.500 individual samples, featuring incredible Vocal Acapellas, Heavy Beats, Boomin Basslines, Hearty Guitars and a wealth of Keys and instuments. This selection is packed with Loops, One Hits and Sampled Instruments alongside 8 full tracks, provided as kits for you to dissect and build your new music on.

Expect nothing but the finest and freshest content with a mix of Live, Acoustic and Sampled Beats, and a host of musical elements including Piano, Organ, Rhodes, Clav, Horns, Guitar, Flute, Synths and Harpsichord! Subsonics hit all the right frequencies with Live Bass, Digital chops and the punchiest Analogue fatness in town. Vadim also brings you a treasure trove of over 500 Vocals from long-time collaborators Frisky, Sero and Jamalski – you won’t find this exclusive content anywhere else.


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