[女声流行人声采样]91 Vocals Sad Girl Alt Pop WAV-FLARE

[女声流行人声采样]91 Vocals Sad Girl Alt Pop WAV-FLARE

Veiled in melancholy, Sad Girl: Alt Pop explores the dark gritty electro landscape popularised by artists such as Billie Eilish, Lorde and Halsey.

This collection delivers a modern take on contemporary pop music, with a rich pallet of moody lyrics combined with manipulated vocal and melodic loops. Written and recorded in-house using close mic techniques, delicate vocal engineering and inventive sound design.

Expect gentle, emotive vocal hooks, stacked and stereo-widened adlibs, filtered and chopped loops, vocoded phrases and heavily processed one shots. We’ve taken it even further to add keys, grungy synths, bouncing 808s and resampled drum and percussion loops composed to compliment the vocals.

With the creative touch of alt-pop producer pro, Charlie McClean, this pack delivers detailed vocal arrangement, transparent tuning and editing and sculpted sound design. As always, we engaged a high-end analogue chain comprising of an AKG C414 BXLS II microphone, UA 610-B pre-amp and applying UA SSL E channel strip treatment to capture a carefully filtered, equalised and dynamic vocal performance.

Designed to deliver inspiration to any experimental producer, these sounds will instantly add character to any genre. Push the boundaries and embrace the alternative with this selection of all new and original, 100% royalty free samples.


• 14 Drum & Percussion Loops & One Shots
• 30 Melodic Loops
• 6 Melodic One Shots
• 222 Vocal Loops
• 54 Vocal One Shots


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