Zenhiser The Psy Trance Construction Kit WAV-FANTASTiC

Zenhiser The Psy Trance Construction Kit WAV-FANTASTiC

This is our first tightly packed construction kit and boy have we got a belter to start off with. ‘The Psy Trance Construction Kit’ delivers exactly what it says on the box and delivers at the highest quality possible. Not only is this Psy Trance Construction Kit packed full with over 300 brand new psy trance samples but the quality of these trance samples are second to none. Incredible synth loops, pulsating basslines, morphing pads & textures, snappy drum fx, eclectic synth hits, pounding drum loops, mesmerizing sound fx and an incredible collection of psy trance drum sounds sets this sample pack a cut above the rest.

The Psy Trance Construction Kit also combines a varied collection of psy trance samples catering for juts about all producers in the psy trance genre. Honestly this sample pack is great, really great. Just have a listen to the preview to hear what we are talking about.

•108 one shots
•201 loops


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