DISCOVER | April/17Th/2018 | 679MB
……:::::: Serum Soundbank ::::::……
These Serum Presets are on a whole new level. We have crafted sounds that you have never heard before. Just by listening to them you will instantly hear their rich texture, clean processing and powerful wide sound.

Our goal was not to create your typical Chill or Future Bass sounds, but rather something more unique, something that makes you and your music standout from the competition. If you ever struggled to find your own sound or create something that is unique and defines you, then this Soundbank is exactly what you need!

• 120 x Presets For (Xfer Records Serum)
• 020 x (Chords) Sounds
• 020 x (Basses) Sounds
• 015 x (Vocal-Leads) Sounds
• 015 x (Synths) Sounds
• 015 x (Plucks) Sounds
• 010 x (Leads) Sounds
• 010 x (Pads) Sounds
• 005 x (Arps) Sounds
• 005 x (Pianos) Sounds
• 005 x (Guitars) Sounds
• 040 x (Xfer Records Serum Noises)
• 040 x (Xfer Records Serum Wavetables)
• PC & Mac Compatible
Requirements: Xfer Records Serum v1.214+ or higher.

……:::::: Drum Samples And Loops ::::::……
Having powerful and unique Drums is just as important as having unique Synths. If your track is driven by huge Drums that no one has ever heard before, you are going to make your competition feel like they can’t compete with you anymore.

Your productions are just going to sound too powerful. On top of that this pack also comes with a bunch of Loops which can be either straight up used in your productions, or they can be used for inspiration.

Even our Loops are unique and different. Some of those Cymbal and Percussion Loops play some crazy groovy rhythms that are going to make everyone dance.

• 380 x Drum Samples And Loops, FX, Vocal Chop Loops:
• 040 x Kicks
• 030 x Snares And Tonal Snares
• 030 x Percussions
• 015 x Claps
• 015 x 808s
• 010 x Snaps
• 010 x Toms
• 060 x Cymbals – (Rides, Crashes, Hi-Hats – Closed/Open)
• 015 x Vocal Chop Loops
• 015 x Cymbal Loops
• 015 x Percussion Loops
• 015 x Snare Rolls
• 015 x Fills
• 015 x Atmos FX
• 010 x Ambience FX
• 015 x Uplifters
• 015 x Downlifters
• 010 x Impacts

……:::::: FL Studio And Ableton Projects – (4 Project For FL Studio And Ableton) ::::::……
If you trying to create a something new, different and unique that no one has ever heard before, it can be quite frustrating to look at your blank DAW and have no idea where to start. That’s where these Project Files are coming in.

We have crafted four Project Files for you to get you started. All of the Project Files share a similar vibe, yet they all sound completely different. This way you have multiple examples of how you could create something new and fresh. On top of that, these Project Files can of course be perfectly used to explore the production side of music, to learn more about mixing, mastering, etc.

• Perfect tool to get started with the new genre.

• Study the Mix, Master, Layering, Sound-design & Arrangement. Remember those techniques and use them in your own products!

• Save your favorite Samples, Presets, Effect-chains & Effect-presets to use them in future projects of yours.

Final Tip: Reverse-engineer all four Project Files in their entirety. Take notes to remember all sorts of details and tricks!

……:::::: Requirements ::::::……
• Image-Line FL Studio 12+ or higher.
• Ableton Live v9.7+ or higher.



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