[钢琴Loop]Sonic Collective Impressionist Piano WAV-FANTASTiC

[钢琴Loop]Sonic Collective Impressionist Piano WAV-FANTASTiC



钢琴家兼制作人Todd Brozman(Proud Creature,Moon Casual)利用几架钢琴(一架1916年的L型Steinway三角钢琴,一架1988年的Samick立式钢琴,以及一架1922年的Aeolian风化钢琴)和各种麦克风技术,从传统和现代的角度探索印象派。许多样本都是在相互结合和互补的调子中创作的,允许和谐的层叠和并置。这个包为希望开发以钢琴为基础的、具有自然发展和风格凝聚力的乐曲的制作人,或寻求循环和重音来为音轨添加情绪和色彩的音乐家提供了无限的选择。

Impressionism was an artistic movement that developed in the late 19th and early 20th century as composers and artists began to create work that sought to evoke tone and mood through abstraction and suggestion rather than overt precision and detail. Musically, composers began exploring nontraditional modes and colorful harmonies to conjure imagery and emotional resonance.

Many contemporary composers have continued this approach, and their work has unsurprisingly found a home in many a cinematic score – serving as a natural compliment to a film’s emotional and tonal potential. With modern technology, modern impressionist composers are now able to explore different recording techniques and lean into the particular qualities of a given piano to further enhance a sense of mood and atmosphere.

Utilizing several pianos (a Model L 1916 Steinway grand, a 1988 Samick upright, and a weathered 1922 Aeolian player piano) along with various mic’ing techniques, pianist and producer Todd Brozman (Proud Creature, Moon Casual) explores impressionism from both a traditional and modern interpretation. Many samples were composed in conjunction with one another and in complimentary keys, allowing for harmonious layerings and juxtapositions. This pack provides endless options for producers looking to develop a piano-based score with natural development and stylistic cohesion, or musicians seeking loops and accents to add moodiness and color to a track.



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