Evolution Of Sound Festival Revolution WAV MiDi FLP Serum and Sylenth1 Sounbanks

Evolution Of Sound Festival Revolution WAV MiDi FLP Serum and Sylenth1 Sounbanks

WAV MiDi FLP Serum and Sylenth1 Sounbanks | 683.89 MB

Festival Revolution is a SoundBank/Sample Pack looking to bring the sound of revealed into your hands so you can add that same energetic vibe to your sound.

Get that Professional sound instantly with this soundbank with samples and sounds ready to evolve your track to the next level!

Each sound has been created to give you the electrifying sound that you need so you spend less time stressing about the sound and more about making your idea come alive

Festival Revolution captures the Big Room sound with a Sylenth1 Soundbank, Serum Soundbank, Sample Pack, Project Files, Tutorials and Vocal Pack.

So what are you getting with this pack:

-100 Presets For Sylenth1 and 40 Vocal Presets for Serum
-Sample Pack containing Drop MIDI Tools, Big Kicks, Energetic Uplifters and Downlifters and everything you need to make a Festival Style Track.
-Vocal Pack with over 100 Phrases
-Project File Available For Ableton and FL Studio
-Exclusive Tutorials With Zen World


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