Zenhiser Stealth Psytrance WAV

Zenhiser Stealth Psytrance WAV

Sit back, take a deep breath and saturate yourself within the cavernous walls of a formidable Psytrance sample pack. With a plethora of Progressive Psytrance rhythms, melodies, chants, basslines, vocals, beats and synths this collection is the ultimate power tool for todays Psy tracks and productions.

Within the walls of this legendary pack sits over 5GB of inconceivable content ranging from the essential kick to prominent song length stems. You’ll be introduced to a unique array of gated vocals, multi shot synth hits, evoking synth loops, army tight beats, evocative pads and everything in between. Nearly every sample, loop, stem, one shot and midi file will sit beautifully in your tracks. ’Stealth – Psytrance’ is highly influenced by awe-inspiring artists like Blastoyz, Terra, Astrix and Freedom Fighters with a polite nod to labels including Iboga, Blue Tunes and Iono.

So if you’re in need of assistance with your Psy bangers, listen to the preview and look no further, because once again Zenhiser has you covered.


在这个传奇性的音乐包中,有超过5GB的内容,从基本的踢踏乐到突出的歌曲长度,都是不可想象的。你将会看到一系列独特的门控人声、多拍合成器打击、诱发合成器循环、军队的紧张节奏、令人回味的垫子以及两者之间的一切。几乎所有的样本、循环、干线、单曲和midi文件都可以在你的音乐中得到很好的体现。Stealth – Psytrance “受到了Blastoyz、Terra、Astrix和Freedom Fighters等艺术家的影响,同时也向Iboga、Blue Tunes和Iono等厂牌表示敬意。

因此,如果你需要帮助你的Psy bangers,请听一下预览,不要再看了,因为Zenhiser再一次为你提供了帮助。


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