!llmind Blap Kits Special Limited Edition Phantasy Loops WAV

!llmind Blap Kits Special Limited Edition Phantasy Loops WAV


!llmind Blap Kits Special Limited Edition Phantasy Loops WAV

!llmind Blap Kits Special Limited Edition Phantasy Loops WAV

Feb 23 2018 | 372 MB
“When I was a kid, I fell in love with video game RPG’s (that stands for ‘role playing games’ for non-nerds). My 2 favorites were Phantasy Star and Final Fantasy (the series). While spending endless hours on these games, I didn’t realize how much the music/soundtracks influenced me. The textures, the chords, the melodies. It’s like each musical piece is a character or place in one of these games. So, I decided to lock in and create a sample pack influenced by these sounds and concepts. It plays more like a full album honestly (when I create sample packs, I approach them like melodic albums). This set is so lush, melodic and super emotional. I know I say this all the time, but Phantasy Loops may be my favorite sample pack to date. These samples are ready to flip into something insane. Some innovative and amazing textures here to get your beats sounding crazy as f*ck, whether it’s trap, boom bap, pop, dance or any label you put on it.” – !llmind


•13 Completely original and unique compositions (samples), ready to be looped, chopped & processed to your hearts desire (1.54 GB 153 items Total)
•Audio stems for each sound set are included (dry)
•All sounds are original compositions, entirely created by !llmind
•Synths, arps, pads, bass synths + lush textures (major & minor)
•All audio recorded on 1/4″ Reel To Reel Tape LYREC PTR-1 for warmth
•Comes in stereo WAV 16/44 formatting
•Compatible with any DAW (Protools, Reason, Logic, Ableton, Fruity Loops, etc)

* (Meaning, if you place a record on a MAJOR LABEL using the sample(s), you will split the publishing with !llmind fairly & Production (or Co-Production) must be credited to !llmind (CONTACT: illmind@blapkits.com if this is the case). NO sample clearing hassles at all. If the sample(s) are used on any NON MAJOR LABEL platforms, you can do anything you’d like with them (upload to Soundcloud, sell the beat to indy artist, include on beat-tape, etc etc).



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