Black Octopus Sound Vocal Atmospheres by Amy Kirkpatrick WAV-DECiBEL

Black Octopus Sound Vocal Atmospheres by Amy Kirkpatrick WAV-DECiBEL

Amy Kirkpatrick is back with her newest pack ‘Vocal Atmospheres’ a truly heavenly pack that is filled with inspiring, blissful, and tranquil vocals. Perfect for creating deep moods and entrancing sound scapes. This huge pack contains 1.2 GB of adlibs, harmonies, atmospheres, textures, and tones in a wide variety of tempos from 90 to 170BPM.

The harmonies and adlibs are grouped into 6 main keys, A major, C major, D major, E minor, F# minor and G minor for easy layering and convenience. Whether making vocal chops, leads or your own atmospheres and textures, the harmonies and adlibs provide endless possibilities. On top of that is wide selection of tantalizing vocal atmospheres, all key labelled and ready to absorb any listener into your production. Lastly there is a collection of single note vocal tones to giving even you more possibilities!

Amy Kirkpatrick has had extensive success as a singer producer and songwriter. With a Platinum Record status as a songwriter, millions of streams on worldwide releases and of course her popular vocal packs ‘Mystic’, ‘Wild’, ‘Fortune’, and ‘Shadow’. Amy’s experience shows in her entrancing and emotional vocal atmospheres. Her defined vocal control and tone make for pristine quality samples, which are all expertly produced and production ready. These samples are ready to be dragged and dropped into a veriaty of genres including ambient/downtempo, chill, and meditation music. They would also feel at home in higher energy tracks such as trance, progressive and electro! Dive into the expansive world of Amy’s angelic voice today and stay inspired.

“** Amy Kirkpatrick requests that you not use her name in the branding of your music, track credits, title, or artist names.

*Drums and melodic content in demo are not included in the pack. This is a vocal and vocal effects pack only.”

6 Harmony & Adlib kits
121 samples
2 Huge Textures
18 Long Atmospheres


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